This is the weekend thread where modelers can show their completed models, work under construction and layout pictures new and old.
Let’s have a lot of participation this weekend!
Rick Jesionowski
This is the weekend thread where modelers can show their completed models, work under construction and layout pictures new and old.
Let’s have a lot of participation this weekend!
Rick Jesionowski
Good morning from cloudy and warm Northeast Ohio!
Got a couple of cars completed this week!
First, a Tangent G43 Gon, painted with Scalecoat II PRR Freight Car Red paint and lettered with Dan Kohlberg’s decals. Gons were in general service on the PRR and successive roads.
Next a 60’ Robbins Rails boxcar kit, I changed the wheelbase from 41’ to 46’, carved off the plug doors and replaced with YSD Doors pirated from an Intermountain 5283 car kit, also carved off the rivits as ACF cars were welded. Removed the sill and replaced it with a deeper one made from Evergreen Plastic, also installed an ACF Moloco Cushion couple pocket. Car was painted with a mixture of Scalecoat II Boxcar Red and Roof Brown paints and lettered with a mixture of decals from Highball Graphics, CMR and Herald King. The CNJ rostered two 60’ boxcars in auto parts service delivering spindles for GM Assembly plants.
A pair of Ann Arbor Rapido FA-2’s with a combo auto parts and general freight running on the Strongsville Club layout. The Ann Arbor ran auto parts from Detroit to Minneapolis via car ferry and the Green Bay and Western.
Thanks for looking!
Rick Jesionowski
Rick, thanks for the photos of your great work!
My time this past week continues to be work on a new building. Progress is slow.
This photo is from my old unfinished chemical plant. It got taken apart for the new layout. A few parts were saved for a new plant on the new layout.
Rick. Thanks for starting this weeks WPF
Love the standard of te rolling stock. Well done.
John Slow progress is still progress. A chemical plant is unusual to be seen modelled over here. I like it.
Myself. Working (slowly) on a new street scene. Such a faff to transfer to Flickr which I will later.
Meanwhile a picture from the archive. a Leeds Central bouund Class 121 in the overgrown country section.
Rick, Thanks for the WPF start-up. Seeing your handiwork is both fun and enlightening. Like the G-43 gon and colorful view of the club layout.
The Tangent G-43 is a fine model, made this one look aged, dirty and worn as a second or third hand gon.
John, Like how you’re going to combine some of your old layout with the new, saves time while adding a special feel and continuity to the railroad.
David, Your layout shots somehow impart happiness, and what could be better as we enter Father’s Day Weekend.
Thanks to all the contributors and viewers. Have a good weekend and a Happy Father’s Day. Regards, Peter
Good Stuff, everyone, thank you.[tup]
If you’re a follower of WPF, you would have last seen this flat car last November, since then the Lachlan River Railroad Works were mothballed over the summer and have recently been recommissioned.
History. The only marking on the underside of the car was “Bachmann China,” but aided by HoSeeker, the 1979 Bachmann Catalog displays the Great Northern 48’ 200 ton flat with logs, $3.00.
Of course, the span bolsters with the two, two axle trucks, brake wheels, and logs were missing, but as I said at the time, what was left was too good to be binned.
Besides I was sure that the PRR would be able to, at least supply a precedent, which it did, the F36…