I like your cup holder John
I started today with the rocks. Gluing them with hotglue and patching with plaster. I’m very satisfied with the result so far. It will be even better when the rocks are painted. When the plaster between the rocks is dry, I will use a knife and shape the seams a little.
Here you can see the both patched and unpatched rocks.
Mostly patched rocks.
From a distance, looking really good.
That’s going to look fantastic when you’re done! It’s also going to weigh a ton![:)]
What ever it is it’s big,maybe an saw mill or coal company???
i’m starting to do my mountians now and was wondering did you just place the plaster on the screen or is there a lining under there to keep the plaster from seepig through the screen. if no lining on there what did you use to thicken the plaster up from seeping through.
I finally have progress to report! After a short delay caused by a someone breaking into my shed and stealing almost all of my tools, I began construction on the bench-work for my N scale layout.
As you can see, the layout must share space with our TV room and ferret play areas, and so the shelf must support the TV as well as the railroad.
The Pike Creek Canyon leg of the shelf is to the right:
The Burns Yard leg of the shelf is to the left (Takoda the ferret is on the floor):
The hidden staging area – the line will punch through the wall, which has the main shelf (with the TV) on the other side (yes, that’s a CO detector plugged in):
Leonard Bottleman
Flipping back a page to Jarrels question I would say “new river mining co” that was my first immediate thought when I saw it…
Great pics everyone, Electro you are making great progress, it will look amazing when done.
Have fun & be safe
Here is what I did this weekend … scratchbuilt a gallows turntable … on top of my run-of-the-mill Atlas turntable mechanism.
It is based on the gallows turntable built for the Pacific Coast Railway in San Luis Obispo, Califoria. I think it fits well into my Oakhurst Railroad set in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the 1920’s.
Thanks to inspiration from Bob Grech, I even included turnbuckles and nut-bolt-washer castings from Grant Line.
Thanks for looking …
Hi everybody! As usual some great work here and as usual I am late getting anything ready for this thread. I have been doing some work installing more Tortis in the new section of the layout. These show the ones that are for the upper level over the staging area and had to be modified due to clearance issues.
I am also working on scenery and as you can see more hillsides have appeared, the road crew has been putting in the foundation of the old dirt road going out of town and the dirt has magically appeared on some of the hardshell.
Perry 1060
The best bench/fascia work I’ve seen!
Next time don’t show the 3 rails - it looks like some kind of ultra scale!!
One of the very best layouts I’ve seen!!!
perry1060, Yes indeedy!! reminds me of Sedona back in the day. We lost our corkscrew and were forced to live on food and water for three whole days. Yes indeedy.
Update. Had a really good weekend of work on the RR. Foam is down and painted light tan. Facia is on (almost all the way around) and painted. Ended up creating some shelving underneath all this to hold tools and supplies.
I took Sweethome down to London for a model railway exhibition this weekend - had a great time and met some great folks.
Karl, you got it! [:D]
Looks great. I have two of the Atlas TT and intend to do the same thing to them. What is your decking made of (plastic or wood) and how thick is it? There is not much room between the bottom of the truck side frames and the deck; did you raise the track any to allow for deck thickness?
Hey Terry…Thanks…thats my first scrach built cup holder LOL
Hi Thatboy
I spray the screen with an adheasive and apply plastic wrap (Saran ) to the back side, then twist the daylights out of it untill I get the form I want.
staple to wood, but still cover the track below it, just in case. If any plaster gets on the carpet, I wait untill it drys as its easier to remove. I use hot glue to join screen togather and glue all edges.
I use dry wall mud in a mud tray, add a bit of water to one end of tray and mix with a stiff brush to thin a touch.
I dont try to cover the compleat area except where I want grass, as I will cover with Geodesic foam scenery latter this week. John
I actually just painted and weathered the plastic Atlas TT deck.
I added the “walkway” around the outside to cover the unused stalls. I used leftover plastic gondolla sides from all of the Roundhouse 3-in-1 flatcars I have. I also covered the mechanism “house” deck the same way.
The two biggest problems I’ve had are 1) ballast getting inside the turntable mechanism and 2) Bonding the wood beams from the truss to the plastic turntable. Turns out it the plastic TT is slightly warped and the wood beams are completely straight. Bonding painted wood to painted plastic is not holding very well. I’m using Testors “Cement for Metal & Wood Models”. Superglue might work better?Also, I’d make sure to remove the paint from both surfaces.
Thanks for the fast reply. I will post my results, when I get a round tuit,
38 mins left of the weekend i think i got time to post these…
These Some pics of the 40’ Athearn RTR boaxcar i got at a train show in pittsburgh today i got it for half of original price, i think i made out well, And i also go 10 pair of kadees to start converting some of my rollin stock 75% of it is converted now ! i dont have much no more then 25. I got the couplers and car for just 20 dollars :). I saw another good deal , 2 sets of 5 skeleton intermodal cars for 20$ , i would buy it but they only had SP and BN i want ttx