Weekend Photo Fun US LABOR DAY WEEKEND EDITION 8/31/18-9/1/18

Well, I’ve been away but I’m glad to be back and starting another Weekend photo Fun Thread. For new posters, Weekend Photo Fun is where we show off what we are/have been working on during the week/end. Generally it is one of the best threads on the board in my opinion. All scales and gauges are welcome. To start, here’s my project- a Wiseman Models Mack B logging truck. I took the metal Kit, and instead of it becoming a perfect model, it’s been aged heavily to simulate a breakdown and abandonment along side the railroad tracks. I still need to weather it with powder though, but it’s a start.

So let’s see what everyone has been working on/.

Hey Jimmy, thanks for starting WPF! One thing could we expand the date to include Labor Day - Sept 3rd?? [:D]


This week I completed another of the buildings for the right side of the Boothbay Railway Vilage layout. It is a Wirthmore Feeds plant

Jimmy you’re Mack is coming along nicely.

Since my little guy got broken because it was just laying around I decide to finish him. I plan on installing him in my diesel maintenance shop. And because I don’t want to have to repair him again I moved him to the top of my to do list.

Time for some good pictures guys.


Thanks for initializing the Holiday WPF, Jimmy! Good to see you back! Last day of the month — how fast the time flies…

Yes, some weathering will make that truck look just right. Nice!

Good looking mill you have there, George [Y]

Your “little people” are outstanding, MEl! I’m still in awe over the ones you showed in the lounge car a few weeks ago. I have boxes of unpainted Preiser figures waiting for a snowy day…[:-^] Yours look many times better than anything commercial [bow]

There was a thread about some Life-Like kits this week and I dug one out to scan the instruction sheet. That lit the fire for me to assemble a few.

I always liked the Burlington’s Chinese Red. Not too bright but enough to get noticed. Really classy.

CBQ_LL by Edmund, on Flickr

Another “mini project” I did was to install a CNR style number board to this Grand Trunk Western Mike:

GTW_3734 by Edmund, on Flickr

I drilled through the smokebox and ran two pieces of fiber-optic filament to the headlight LED. I’d prefer it to operate independent of the headlight but I wasn’t about to try to run more wire through the boiler.

Last run of the day — take the cabin to the service track then head for the barn.

Cabin_x2_sm by Edmund, on Flickr

On to more great stuff!


Jimmy, Nice work on the logging truck, very effective weatheirng.

George, An impressively big industry.

Mel, That fellow must be in management. No hard hat, no safety specs? [;)] Looks ready to go, though.

Ed, Lots of atmosphere in that pic.

Most of what I did this week wasn’t very photogenic, entering the loco info for about 75 units into my new build of JMRI after my Raspberry Pi decided to quit talking to me.

The big modeling project wasn’t very much, but it fixed an irritating problem I’d been putting off dealing with for several years. At some point, the nose door on my PA went missing. I searched everywhere, including videoing the hidden track both ways in hopes of spotting it. No dice.

After looking over prototype pics, it looked more doable to hack a door than I thought. The headlight in the door is simply recessed into a plain opening and otherwise lacked in detail. I needed to modify the funky lighted plastic chunk that originally fed the headlight, plus the lighted numberboards. This went OK, as the numberboards ere OK without lighting, but to retain the structural integrity I couldn’t put a LED exactly where it was before, but a little lower. That meant the light opening in the door would cut off the top of the 4-stripes. My paint wasn’t an exact match either, but looked OK. Cheaper than a new shell, used or not. I cut the pieces needed to fix the stripes from a Microscale decal sheet. Although not a perfect match, pretty close. Looks dignified enough to me up close.

Back up 3’ or so and it’s good to see it roilling off some miles with the somewhat reduced consist of the fall Houston-Portland Zephyr as it passes Cascade Falls.

THe JMRI data entry and testing task led to another pic in the Monon in the Mountains collection

Gidday Jimmy, good to see you back and kicking WPF off for us. You wouldn’t be expected to know this but down here, that Mack B logger would most likely to have been pulled from the weeds and restored.

Nice one, George, how much more of that back wall have you got to go?

What can I say, Mel?[bow]

on Flickr

Thanks for photo of the CB&Q boxcar Ed, now if Heartland Garryshows up, I’ll be over the Moon!![swg]

It’s good to get a reminder of your standard gauge stuff,

Henry facing the end with a smile, looking at the half detailed CNJ T-32 (with his old legs).

Good morning all from mostly cloudy and warm Northeast Ohio.

Thanks for starting us out Jimmy, good work on the abuse on that abandoned logging truck.

Mel, your worker looks good and in that time frame no hard hat etc.

Mike, nice try on matching that paint, it is a hard thing to do, but it allows you to run that engine.

Ed, what a cornacopia of pictures, all show your handiwork.

Casey, as ususal your handiwork is amazing!

Last week Gary showed us his beautiful short Zephyr, I will follow up with my own pike sized passenger train.

The Wabash Blue Bird, ran St. Louis to Chicago and returned the same day.

Thanks for looking!

Rick Jesionowski

Back in the early 50s we were lucky, never heard of OSHA. Moving to California I learned a whole new meaning of OSHA . . . . it is called Cal-OSHA. In California your hardhat has to have a hardhat.


My Model Railroad

Bakersfield, California

I’m beginning to realize that aging is not for wimps.

Good morning … Weekend Photo Fun started on Thursday and goes through Labor Day. … That’s a long weekend… Maybe, we shopuld do Weekly Photo Funs instead of Weekend.

Glad to see 9 posts already ahead of me. There is plenty of photo fun already.

Jimmy … Thank you for starting the thread. Looking forward to seeing the weathering on your truck.

George … The feed plant look great.

Mel… Great job with the figure. Does he have a name ?

Ed … I agree CB&Q red is classy… Nice boxcar … I certinly like the GTW 2-8-2 with its number board. … The last photo with the cabin car (must be Pennsy) captures a mood.

Mike L … You did a great job with the front of the PA1. … Nice scenery. …I’m smiling at your Monon in the mountains.

Bear … LOL at your caption for Mel’s figure. … Over the moon ?

Casey … The T-32 is going to be a winner for sure.

Rick … I remember the Blue Bird of the Wabash. … I like your model of it.

Below is an SD9 on a branch line.

Next is a pair of E7’s rolling west through the country. …

True enough, modeling pre-OSHA saves some “headaches” [;)].

However, RRs often had such safety requirements years before the feds got involved. Most larger lines has some sort of Safety Dept. Obviously, the application of safety gear on the job could thus vary widely, depending on what each RR found necessary. This is an aspect of prototype research I’ve heard nothing about that provides no easy reference to check AFAIK. But I suspect those familiar will a certain line maybe will be able to recall when such gear first started appearing in old photos.

Then there are certain industries like mining that were early adopters of gear like hardhats. Makes for another marker of era that is subtle but can be deployed relatively easy.


Thanks for the commnt on my PA nose door. It’s homely but at least less embarassing to run without the door being “open” all the time.

The grade on the right side of the layout is about 30 feet long with the low end being in Portland. The plan was to have “tunnel” of buildings hiding the trains starting with industrial structures at the low end, transitioning to commercial in the middle and ending with residential at the top. I have maybe 40% of this done.

I wanted to post a couple pictures, but imgur.com is “over capacity” this morning


It’s working better this evening. This is an overall layout view from about 15 months ago. It shows the top 2/3 for the grade on the right side. A couple residential buildings show at the top of the hill.

This is the top of the grade with some apartments and houses taken last October. I have done some re-arranging since them.

Well finally got most of the lighting on the Refinery warehouse done. All that is left is the external lights and final assembly. Here are a few photos. Upstairs got “fluoresent lighting”, and downstairs got normal industrial lights.






Thanks Jimmy for starting off WPF on this long holiday weekend.

Some great stuff here again this week.

Mel - Your man has a new hammer. Great work.

Ed - I like the bright Burlington red too.

Mike L - Love the Rio Grande PA.

Casey - The loco is coming right along.

Rick - Good looking pike sized Wabash train.

Garry - The Burlington locos look good as usual.

In keeping with Rick’s pike sized train, I unearthed this one from the BRVRR 2014 archives. Pennsylvania E8 #5713 leads a short “pike sized” passenger train eastbound on the BRVRR.

And something a little more recent:

New York Central Niagara #6008 at the west end of the BRVRR layout with a short heavyweight mail and express train as a NYC merchandise freight passes eastbound.

Keep the photos and ideas coming guys. Thanks to you WPF is always the best thread of the week.

Here’s what I’ve done so far this weekend.

With three CB&Q photos, the Bluebird, and everyone else’s really Good Stuff, I’m well over the Moon, and on my way to Mars!!! [(-D][(-D]

Thanks for the extra photos, George. I did visit the Boothbay Clubs website, and wondered how up to date the photos were.

Cheers, the Bear.[:)]

Last of the MOW speeder equip

Jimmy, Thanks for starting the WPF with your “Bulldog.”

Thanks to all the contributors, “Every picture tells a story.”

Have a good holiday weekend while honoring Labor, Regards, Peter

From this

To this

Just for the fun of it.