Weekend Photo Fun US LABOR DAY WEEKEND EDITION 8/31/18-9/1/18

I do need to send some updated photos for the site. Many of the older closeups are scenes that are complete, and have not changed. There are some new scenes that should be added.

Here’s what I got done today.

George, Great view of the layout!

Renegade, Really nice lighted effect through the windows[Y]

Allan, Good example of the pike-size breed with the Pennsy. I don’t model it other than a car here and there, but had relatives back 3 generations who worked for it.

Bears on Mars?!! That’ll shake those Martians up. I hear they\re all about snack-size for a bear.[swg]

Terry, Awesome job on the MOW gang and its cars.

Peter, the depth of field in your street scne is more subtle, but very awesome, too!

Guy, Sow’s ear into silk purse comes to mind here.[C):-)]

Like that Monon gon. It’s only very approximate IIRC, but I like mine nonetheless.

On that B unit, needs more putty.[:-^]

But you may want to straighten the panel lines some, putty can heal many flaws, but won’t straighten anything out. You’ll be much more satisfied in the end and reworking it is a good exercise in getting more from your modeling efforts. It’s a good start, though.

Yeah the B unit needs some tinkering, I was trying to straighten it out but the superglue had already set.

WOW…With a long weekend and the last post was Sat?

We need more,more to add to all the fine work already presented…how about a kick-start?

A completed photo of the JaBear Construction Co’s. first vehicle, that will be going in the front of the office parking. I would have taken it on site, but the diarama is on it’s side…working underneath with wiring:

Photo may be clicked on for larger view…

Take Care, All! [:D]


Wow, what a crazy amount of activity in Weekend Photo Fun this week. Great stuff in here.


Jimmy: Thank you for starting us out. That rusty truck will be a great little mini-scene.

George: The Wirthmore Feeds looks quite at home on the layout. Did you make ther sign for it?

Mel: You guy with the hammer looks so angry. Great work as always.

Ed: I agree, sometime assembling a Proto 2000 boxcar is just what the doctor ordered to get my feet back on the ground.

Mike: Ugh, entering data is never fun.

Casey: “Henry” looks very satisfied with the work you have done. Simply amazing.

Rick: The Bluebird sure looks right at home in that scene.

Garry: The E7s look fabulous in polished stainless steel. Those are really nice looking locomotives. Great photograph.

Renegade: With an interior that looks that good it only makes sense to light it up so it can be appreciated.

Allan: Pennsylvania Tuscan Red passenger rains always make me reminisce about my youth. Not that I ever saw one in real life, but I had a model of one when I was still very young.

Steven: You did a great job taking that flatcar out of the box.

Terry: Your speeder project is incredible. I can’t wait to see the finished project.

Peter: Yet another awesome photograph.

Guy: The transformation of that flatcar was surely worth the effort.

Frank: I love the old “heritage” truck on the plinth.


I spent all week with my babies that are still in Orlando. We rented a red Mustang convertibel for the trip and had a blast. I would never own one, but it is exhilerating to drive with the top down when the weather is good.


Hold up there, that heavy flat is a kit, that had to be assembled, and little bitty tiedown details added. So I did more than “take it out of the box” [(-D]

Perhaps a better desciption was in order other than “here is what I’ve done so far this weekend”. I was only going by what the picture looked like. Sorry if the humor escaped you.


Please do not refer to me by any nickname, especially “Hoss”, we do not share that kind of familiarity, not to mention I am three times your age. It seems very inapropriate, and I have never called you anything but Steven.




Yes Kevin the humor escaped me.

Perhaps I should’ve been a bit more descriptive.

I think my humor escaped you as well.

It’s all good though[:D]

I found an image online which I cleaned and resized up using Adobe Photoshop Elements. The original had rust, discoloration, and a bit of distortion.

I’ve been working on my Amtrak Station area for quite some time. This weekend, I finally added some highway and parking lot lights (non-operating for now) to the area. Hopefully will get them lit up in the not so near distant future.

I’m making some slow progress on my new 12 x 14 HOn3 Rio Grande Southern First District layout:





Neal: The Amtrak Station is an impressive installation. Is this on your Northern or Southern layout?

Dave: Slow progress is just fine when the results are that good.




Hi Kevin, guess you’ve been following my layouts; thank you for that! This is on the NJ layout. I’ve been working on the entire layout, adding some details as my layout is part of the NMRA/NER layout tour in a couple weeks.
