Weekend Photo Fun (WPF) June 10 - 12

This isn’t an actual model, but everyone tells me it looks like one [:^)] so lets see what you think…

But seriously, here is one I caught at a club layout. I didn’t see what I caught until later.


Hello everyone. Where’s Jarrel? His Southern RR is noticably missing.\

Nice photos so far! Great work all of you! Ulrich’s tunnel looks terrfic. I like Rick’s freight cars, Robby’s covered hopper, Chad’s big flat car. Larry’s switcher, Michael’s D&RGW, Simon’s club layout, Morgan’s photo shop creativity, Don’s F units, Jeff’s layout, Acela’s photos of layout and real, and PC99’s covered hoppers.

DJ … The scrap yard looks very good with the dead tree and all.

Here is a westbound train entering the bridge over the Mrs. Hippy River while running on the eastbound track.

Ex-UP 116 GP7 on the L&A mainline.

Even Jeff is posting Q images!!! Really nice work everyone.

Hello all. Great photos to start the weekend

I’ve continued with the scenery on Sweethome Alabama this wek and took some new photos this evening


My lightly weathered Climax demonstrator.


Some of us would disagree - your work is certainly good enough to be published.


I can see this is going to be another great thread this weekend! Some excellent modeling and photography folks!

I have gotten a bit more done on the Engine House this past week. Not much time available for trains…[:(] I have finally gotten all the lights installed and checked to make sure they will work. Also built another workbench and added some tools. Waiting on more parts to arrive to finish the interior.


Tell you what. You are you’re own worst critic, so lets get a third opinion, shall we? If you send in a CD-ROM of it to

Model Railroader, trackside Photos,
P.O. Box 1612,
Waukesha, WI 53187-1612

I’ll get up the nerve to send in two of mine I’ve kicked around. We’ll let that Sperandeo guy decide. He might know.

Great work this weekend y’all, and ditto, send your pics in Ulrich, ain’t sense in not trying. Well, got my pics of the stuff I ordered last week to upload to facebook, flash player keeps crashing so photobucket ain’t gonna work.

The Truss Bridges:


WM 2-bay

Rock Island Thrall 3-bay

Jon: Wow!! This is gorgeous work here!!

Heartland Garry,

Are those SD24’s factory, or did you custom paint & D’cal them? Looks nice! I admine that CB&Q scheme, especially after seeing the restored one. Great subject for the photo shoot!

ChadRyan… Thanks for commenting on my photo. The 2 SD24’s are Atlas units. They were limited production, and I am glad I purchased them while they were available. I grew up along the CB&Q main line and saw the real SD24’s pulling trains when they were new. They would put four SD24’s on the train from Chicago to Denver. At the time, crews called these units “Red Devils”, but this paint scheme became common on the Q soon afterwards.


All I can say is that you have great taste, love that scene!

Thanks for the info too, keep up the excellent shots, & thanks for the comments you gave us!


Motley, I’d enjoy seeing more of photo’s of your D&RGW!!! Nice!

Thanks! It’s nice to see some D&RGW love here!

This is a poster I have in my trainroom.

Oh yeah! Love the D&RGW and can never get enough of nice photo’s. The Grande gold/silver paint scheme is very nice and appealing, in some ways more than the AT&SF because all the D&RGW passenger cars had it save the CZ cars, yet the still complement each other well. Do you run any CZ stuff as well?


Sorry, I have to ask, what bridge is that, it looks great, sweet scene!

I’d like to know what it is, or if you custom built it!? Excellent!

Not yet, but I definatley plan to get the Cali Zephyr train soon.

Thanks Chad. It’s an Atlas 18" Truss bridge. I just weathered it with a black wash.