Here is my submission this week for the WPF. This time it is a video of my Hawksridge layout. The scene is a rural grade crossing with a mixed freight headed south to Hawksridge. Lets hope that this link works. The video is just over 1 minute long.
Good spot. Those were two Atlas GE B23-7’s leading the train. Great sound system, as you can hear from the video, and some very nice running locomotives.
OK, ski season is over. Back to train work. Unlike most of us, I do my serious modelling in the summer, and save winter for the slopes.
Here’s Lurvy. He’s got a new job out behind the Clampett place, after the unfortunate incident with Wilbur, the grill and the barbeque sauce made him unpopular at the Zuckerman farm. Gotta admit though, those were some ribs.
There’s another thread running about things that are just wrong, and someone didn’t like the number of “scenes” on layouts. Well, I like scenes, so I thought I’d post this shot of Charlie Daniels and E. Fudd doin’ a bit of huntin’.
oh well, almost had it right. I want to get a Conrail B23-7 sometime and just patch the CONRAIL letters on th hood but leave the logo number etc. there, then weather the heck out of it! Might ask for the supplies for my birthday this year, or jsut save up for the loco, decals, etc.
Ski season ended for me perminitly, so I guess breaking the leg was a boon to keep me with my Model Railroad. If there is one thing I learned, it is this:
Pushing 12 hours after the above post and still no more Pics? I have just got to give this thread a BUMP with a big “THANK YOU” to all of you who give inspiration to all modelers. Please, keep up the good work.
Some good looking shots. I don’t have anything this week. I finally got called back to work, so this hobby is on the back burner. Maybe touch the layout on the weekends.
Tom - Love the heavy steam. Great looking layout too.
loathar - I like your oldies.
Here are my contributions for the week. I finished up on my corner scene/rock cut this week.
I built painted, weathered and installed a 40’ windmill made from the Walther’s kit. Planted a few trees,
placed some Holsteins and made a stock tank from an old fuel oil tank I found in my junk box.
NYC E8 #4089 rounds the bend at the head of a short mail and express as mother and daughter look on.
Keep up the good work guys. This is always the best thread of the week.
Hmm - seems like a lot of good modelers are more concerned with discussing “the embarassment of being a mortal model railroader” than with posting layout pictures this weekend [:D]
My long weekend (which started on Wednesday afternoon last week) has come to an end. I love our nice long easter holiday (where Thursday, Friday, Sunday and Monday all are public holidays when hardly anyone works), but tomorrow is a normal work day again.
Some pictures of the project I am still plugging away at - my little corner of the milling district in Minneapolis. Scene is far from done, but I figured I could show a couple of in-progress pictures.
Overview of the scene, which is about 20" deep and 60" wide:
Left end of scene (white square shows where enclosed walkway between buildings will be added when rear building replaces black cardboard placeholder):
Right end of scene (white square shows where enclosed walkway between buildings will be added):