Weekend Train show in Plano

Hi everyone,

Well the train show over the weekend was disappointing. Not a whole lot of kits, and the stuff they had as far as DCC or RTR was the same price or higher than the LHS[:(!]! I did pick up my first wood passenger car kit, though, and an Athearn BB PA and PB1 in good condition for $20. Richmond controls was there with the great assortment of LED’s, and local club lay outs were set up nicely. My gripes are just the high prices, and there were vendors not selling anything MR related. Oh well. I’ll still go again next year though. It was great to see Steve from ETR&C!

Yes I was a little disappointed with a lot of the vendors. I bought a few cars even though they were almost retail just because I saw a few I liked. My son and I went and we spent well under $100, including admission! I had hoped to drop a couple hundred dollars but no one had much I wanted. I found some paint 3 for a dollar. (was that worth the $6 admission?)

The club layouts were really nice. Did you see the detailed mine shaft in the profile board? (don’t know who’s layout)

Overall I really had a good time though. We stayed about 5 1/2 hours. I just went Saturday, was planning on going back Sunday but didn’t really see a need.

I also found out there is a big layout modeling Dallas over on South Lamar. Right by work…very handy.

Yes, I did see the club lay outs. I missed the mine shaft, though. I spent $65 including admission.

Did you see the guy selling all the RR artifacts? I have a SP switch stand lock that needs a key. The guy wanted $35 for a key. I’ll wait and get one on Ebay.

I also saw an adlake lantern for $175 that did not have any RR markings. That is a reproduction and not worth it. Also, any marker lights or lanterns that were modified to use standars household bulbs are not worth the asking price. If they were left in original condition, then they would be.

My train room is not finished yet, but I am accumulating stuff for the planned layout and the walls.