Weekly Video Fun ! 05-31

Hi Guys Thought id post this as it can be alot of fun …

so here it goes my video of the week



Just a suggestion - your lighting is coming from the left of the image, but you’re shooting from the right side of the layout. If you add a light source off-camera to the right, you would be able to see the car sides and details better.

I love the lighting effect on the headlight, by the way.

Keep those coming!

Looks like that first covered hopper has bad bearings or something or maybe it was my playback speed.

I agree about the “Gyralight” or whatever on that lead unit - very cool.

I always have time for a video, keep them coming.

Thank you

Don’t mean to sound like a a** but you need to get you some light real bad.
This has really improved my still photos and will do the same for your video.
The height of the lights is adjustable and each light swivels and tilts independently.
I got mine a couple years ago on sale but even at full price it is not a bad deal as they have a free shipping rebate. I made reflectors out of aluminum foil and point one light at the cealing and the other slightly above or below what I am taking a photo of. This cuts down on the shadows and keeps the subject from getting shinny spots on it from 500 watts of light directly on it.

Can you tell which picture was taken using the work light and which one taken with a desk lamp with a 100 watt bulb in it?


Come on Maannn! How your gonna set us up with the lighting lesson and then show us a candle and a paper weight.as proof. Where’s the train.

That is a good lighting solution for video and photography.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2h8dbtyLGrU Guilford
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=typt6nR96KA MBTA
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-VbX1S7zhk MBTA

Very nice, Carl. Did you have a car derailed? It sounded like it to me. Back in the early 1900’s, the Comox Logging Railway and Company towed a fairly long train up towards the logging transfer site, and the engineer mentioned to his fireman that the engine was a bit sluggi***hat run. No wonder! Several cars had derailed toward the back and had torn up all the switches and signage for miles.

I would have invested in the stock of the company that made the couplers!!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9qSTIj6r5M Newwest Uploaded Video
stil waitin for my other video to load


My latest video.