Weekly Video Fun, 13-19 February 2011

I was wondering if someone else might start it off, but I guess it falls to me. Post 'em if ya got 'em.



Nice Work, Crandell, that J sure runs smooooth.

I support the weekly video fun concept! Here’s an old clip from last year. In this shot Cedar Branch & Western #45 blows for the grade crossing at Crossroads and lumbers onto the Low Gap trestle. The scenery is far from complete in the clip. I’ll go back and re-shoot that one in the near future.





Alan, thanks!!! I have to confess that I learned how to make it smooth right here on our very own DCC forum just three days ago. In a thread about fixing low speed performance with a Tsnuami, I read about CV’s 209 and 210. What a difference it made! My values were quite a bit higher than the 20 suggested as a starting point, but eventually the J smoothed out. Crandell

Wolfgang, I like your passenger train. Very nice cars!!! And the engine’s a honey!


Cars are brass, engine is from Blackstone. Neither cars nor engine was mine.I had K-27 No 462 running. [:)]


Here’s a little action on the Salamanca Branch.




Real Nice Videos Guys! Here is my contribution i made awhile ago for my Dad on Fathers Day.



Great job and audio Dub. Your father must have loved it. [Y]

Stan, it may be my media player, but your video doesn’t appear except as coloured vertical bars that swim around. Sound is just fine. In fact, the first full second of the video is completely fine, and then it breaks up.


Thanks for the info. I’ll post the next ones through You Tube.

That’s odd. I see it just fine. Nice layout, Stan.


Thanks Jim.


Nice videos guys!

I didn’t know you could embed Youtube videos in posts. I guess I’ll give it a shot…

Nothing special, except that it was the first train that I ran on my layout. Please excuse the partly undecaled loco and undecaled cars (need to order some custom sets, once I do the designs) and the complete lack of scenery on the layout (I realized yesterday that I have some ground foam leftover from the previous layout, so I’ll be working on scenery this week, photos will be coming next week…). Anyways, enjoy!

EDIT: Embedding it didn’t work. Anyways, here’s the URL instead


How do you guys get the embedding to work? Is there some secret? [^o)]

Here’s a look at typical mainline operations on the layout. http://flic.kr/p/8dEjPb


That’s a nice video Crandell. I’d sure like to see more of your layout in action.


OK, so it’s an old one, but I think I’ll contribute my latest update video…from over a month ago…I’ll get working on a new one.


Thanks, John. I have a couple of other videos at that gallery which should be listed nearby on the page…? I seem to be vested in keeping WVF alive, so I will try to provide other views in time. [:)]

I am still unable to see Stan’s videos, the second included. It confounds me because they sound really good, but the screen is merely a wash of vertical colour swatches. I have no trouble on youtube. Maybe my server won’t let them come through…I can’t think of anything about my computer that would prohibit decoding the video.

Is puzzlement.[:(]

I like the videos Stan - short ans SWEET.