WeHonest RR Crossing Servo and Control

I have purchased a Crossing Gate kit from WeHonest. I have the lights and sound working, but cannot get the servo to work. Has anyone used this servo to control the crossing gate? If so, how did you get it to work? I could also use some insight into all the settings and adjustments. The instructions are OK, but far from complete. Thanks!

On the website under instructions for the MASTER board it shows a servo plug next to the DIP switches. The prices look decent. How is the quality?


I found the servo plug and connected two different servo motors to it. Neither worked. I connected the servos to a second board and still did not work, so I must be missing something. The WeHonest boards work well except for the servo output. The instructions are not clear on setting timings, so this was guesswork, which I still have not figured out. I am looking at programming my own controls for the signals on an Arduino microprocessor.

I have tried to reply 3 times and got the annoying 404 forbidden each time.

Try turning the servo plug around. I have had RC servos wired backwards. Flipping the plug around did the trick.


Thanks, Pete. I will give that a try. Sorry, my e-mail service has issues.