Weighting Pilot Trucks

Those sound like some useful mods-- can you elaborate in more detail?


As some of the others have done I also use lead sheet. I cut it to the contour of the truck and glue it on with contact cement. After everything dries I paint it black and it is hardly noticeable. I had to add some weight to my Intermountain AC12 first model front truck and that took some doing to figure out how to do it. I wound up drilling some small .021" holes on each side of the truck frame and into the lead and used some .020" brass rod inserted from the side through the truck and into the lead in order to hold the lead in place. The brass rod was flush fitting with the outside of the truck frame and with a small dab of black paint one cannot hardly see them.

Can those capacitors simply be cut out or do I need to solder a short length of wire in their place - electronics obviously not my forte.

Thanks guys, I will give the 5-minute epoxy a try. Double faced tape definitely does not work - - it holds at first but after a few days, or less, it falls off.


And sorry if I make a few enemies here, but that big 4-8-4 some of you just bought ISN’T going to run flawlessly around those 18" radius curves, no matter WHAT the manufacturer tries to tell you.

You sure about that Tom[:D] Mine do just fine! [Y]

In my case the 18 inch radius was never the problem, how it was laid was.

I have add some weight to my M1A and Hudson. I used thin tire weights that are self sticking. On the M1 A it was still to thick, so I stuck the wheel weight in a bench vices and gave it a couple of twist to flatten the weight.

Just seems odd how a new engine can find flaws where the other engines are perfectly happy.

Cuda Ken

They can simply be cut out, but you only want to remove the one or two in the motor circuit, not any others that are sometimes in the headlight or backup light circuit.

John Whitten,

I would be happy to elaberate, but maybe I should start a seperate thread. I’m short on time here this morning but will see what I can do this evening.


My Niagra is the NYC 6016 and my minimum radius is 30". I received it from Trainworld after if had been on back order for over a year and I had even forgot I had it on order. Since

As for all the non Spectrum locos you have listed here, I agree they weren’t much.

BUT, not one of those locos is still in production in the form you have/had.

The Niagara and the GS4 have been completely retooled.

And the new Berkshire/Kanawha is a very nice piece, nearly Spectrum quality in detail, and easily Spectrum quality in its “build” quality, especially at its low price.

The new diesels are also good. The GE 70 tonner, 45 tonner, 44 tonner, GP7, Sharks and FT are all brand new tooling and have gotten good reviews by USERS.

What Spectrum locos are poor pullers? Light weight? The USRA heavy Mountian and the 2-10-2 have die cast boilers and weigh over a pound. Even the little 4-6-0 has a diecast boiler.

My nine USRA heavy 4-8-2’s pull ve