WELCOME 2021! Jeffrey's Trackside Diner In North America!

HNY every one.

I always wondered how to pronounce Spuyten Duyvil

I always think it is funny that someone thinks they can edit an old film then copyright that edit version.

Thank you. I was going to add the names, and I still can, but I did not know most of them, and I was concerned it would look silly with only a few. I want the RIP track to be as respectful as possible, and I hope the avatars are a better memorial than just a list of names.

It was amazingly hard to find some of the avatars, especially “inch”.

If people will PM me all the names they know, I will update it for the February diner.

EDIT: I have more information that I realized. I just need to know Alan B’s last name. Can anyone help with that?

I have a “smart” blue-ray player that allows me to stream YouTube, and that allows me to listen to the audio through my surround sound. For some things, like Post Modern Jukebox, it is worth it.

The world is a beautiful place.


Just enjoying the city before boarding.

Staff are getting the train ready.


Don’t forget to take a ride on the Sttaten Island Ferry so I can wave hello.

No, it wouldn’t have been the Bear (as thick as a short plank!!), any quick thinking would have come from the Skipper, and Helmsman Frank!
Frank. by Bear, on Flickr


Joe, I rode the Staten Island Ferry before 1975 – it was a nickel to ride. I’ve looked for some pictures, but they haven’t been scanned yet.

I rember my first ride on the Staten Island Ferry back in '66. I seem to recall they were serving “Coney Dogs” on board. I never saw so much stuff piled onto a bun! It was delicious.

Well, we’re all aboard and headed north (railroad west) up the Hudson toward the New York state capital in Albany.

Century_Advance by Edmund, on Flickr

Our P-2b electric has been changed out at Harmon and we will have steam power for the remainder of the sixteen-hour trip to Chicago.

Penn-Central P-2b 4641 by Edmund, on Flickr

It is unfortunate that the darkness descends so early this time of year. We are missing out on some great scenery here:

Hudson_on_Hudson by Edmund, on Flickr

I’ll be in the “Century Club” enjoying a cocktail before dinner.

Enjoy the ride, folks [:)] Cheers, E

He is in the Cab shoveling all the coal he got from Santa for Christmas… [:-^] That alone should get us to Chicago…

Hey, the first Bills Game at home this season with people in the stadium has already sold out!!!


Happy New Years Folks!

Flo, give the gang and I a [B] please and Drik and Robbie a dog treat.

Beides the Crude 2020 was pretty good for me. Fed’s have been givning me free money, that I did not want nor need. House payment went down by $68.00. Paid off my last personal loan. Good sizes Income tax return. 4 weeks off with pay from the Fed Crude Money. While the broken rib, Pneumonia and Blood Clots sucked Rail Spikes but for me last year was not that bad.

Credit Score is 758 and I only owe $2090.00 on my Credit Card’s. I will be at 761 by the end of this month.

Ed Sometimes I all most cannot tell if your phots are of the real thing, or your layout! [bow] [bow]

Work Front This last Wednesday was great, had $4623.00 in sales and made a extra $160.00. [:D]

Had to work today on my day off. For the last 3 years we had not had a single sale on Jan 1st. But Nancy decide it would be a big day! After 6 hours we (Jerry the [D)] and I) had 3 whole customers? [:-^]

Well again Happy New Year and may the Mask Be Forgotten!!

Ken and Dirk say’s Happy Woof, Woof!

Edit, top of the page, Flo the bill is on my dime!

The concert is also playing now, 8:00 pm CST, on our local PBS channel.


My motion sensor security cameras keep alerting in my back yard tonight. They captured images of these trespassing intruders.

I have some scary looking spooky little bunnies running around back there.

[(-D] [(-D] [(-D] [(-D] [(-D]


That’s the one I will go with!!!


Very well put Lion! And I will have mine done rare, lightly done so it’s still pink in the middle![Y]


Welcome to Chicago —

Overnight we traversed the "Water Level Route and skirted the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, passed through the fertile and beautiful upstate New York, passed Buffalo and followed along the southern edge of the Great Lakes.

NYC_Map_8-45 by Edmund, on Flickr

We passed the eastbound Century just west of Buffalo at 12:45 AM:

NYC_25-Ani_0004 by Edmund, on Flickr

Today we will have most of the day to see the sights, the famous Loop, perhaps lunch at The Berghoff until it is time to find the diner, now coupled behind the RPO car on the City Of New Orleans ready to depart Central Station Sunday morning.

The Illinois Central is a real stickler for maintaining their image and the Diner had to be repainted in their chocolate brown and I-C orange.

Lawrence and David Barera, CC BY-SA 2.0

Enjoy the day in Chicago and be sure to tip your hat and say Hi to Garry [;)]

Cheers, Ed

Chloe, I am up late, and would like a glass of unseetened iced tea and two slices of whole wheat toast please.

The diner sure looks handsome in the new colors scheme!

How many times will it be repainted this month?



Perhaps twice. From what I gather, the Illinois Central and the Northern Pacific were the two primary railroads that were adamant about the cars in their premiere trains all being in the same color scheme. Amtrak tried this folly in their early days but the preservationists and railroad office car owners finally won out.

We could have taken a lesser train and got away with keeping the dingy M-R blue on the Diner but the folks here insisted it be “THE” City Of New Orleans. [:-^]

Regards, Ed

I am stepping way outside my knowledge zone here… I heard Union Pacific was also strict about the armour yellow scheme always matching.


Good morning all. Snow! Toast and tea with marmalade is eaten.

I am a stranger in Chicago. I only know Miss Mitzis Dance Hall in the film Shall We Dance. So I shall follow you around.


Hello all!!

Flo, I’ll have a large cup of high octane and a sausage, egg and cheese on a plain bagal. Thanks!!

I love this time of of season. I get a few extra days off from the “5 axis world” so I can spend it on my wintertime hobby of TRAINS and layout design, building, and modeling. I always have big ideas but they never seem to play out as well as I thought they would.

Back in the mid 2000’s I attended a train show and purchased a DC reverser device which I brought home and pretty much lost it. Last year after we moved into our new place, I was digging thru my old N scale stash and guess what turned up. It still had the instructions wrapped around it with a rubber band. I spent last night installing it on my test track and watching locos go up and back. I went to bed with a smile on my face!

Flo, I’ll have a second cup of high octane to go. It’s off to my LHS with some gift cards I got from Santa.

Happy motoring, Rich

Good Morning All,

A regular and blueberry pancakes with a side of link sausage please Chloe. 32F today though it seems much warmer than that.

Ed, Jerry (Cox47?) would be proud we are taking the IC anywhere as that is what he modeled IIRC. Nothing in my opinion is as impressive as a consist of matching shiny passenger cars and power.

Still sorting/cleaning in the shop and I will get back to it. No luck yet on the house hunting front. It’s like looking for unicorns right now.

Ciao, J.R.

Good Morning,

We are having a heat wave here with a hiigh of 34F today and 36 tomorrow!

I apologize for the many typos lately butcI’m posting from my tablet.

I had only been to Chicago once before this. It was in '95 on a business trip. I was invited to attend the dealer show the owners put on for all the US dealers so there really wasn’t any work involved. A fellow was tasked with showing us a good time and took us(6 or so ) to many famous resturants. I remember going to Lawreys and a deep dish pizza joint. At that time my employer was a sub of the Chicago owners, True Value Hardware.

I did run trains for a bit yesterday. The CP Hudson is running smoother all the time and I think will be in the swiss watch category soon. It was a NIB brass engine. It is also very quiet. I plan on running it more today. It sure is a beauty. I like the black handrails which was the colour before the royal designation.

We have many East Enders episodes clogging up th PVR so a binge watch is in order.

CN Charlie