Since the collapse of the crytpcurrancy market, stuff used for the mining rigs has really dropped in cost. Whereas a new standard top quality PC power supply to build your own rig may be $100+ (the one I just built, the power supply was $140), really high power SERVER power supplies, from HP and DELL, are going CHEAP - 1200 watt server grade power supply for $40 or less! These are FULLY enclosed, not like the Meanwell type supplies where you attach the line cord to 3 exposed screw terminals which happen to be right next to the screw terminals where the low voltage comes out. And they use standard power cords. Downside is they do not have wires coming out, they have edge card connections at the low voltage end, because they are designed to slide ina nd out of the server chassis, even be hot swappable.
But coin mining to the rescue. The miner rigs needed lots of power. So there are many selections of handy adapter boards that have a mating edge connector which breaks out to standard 6 pin PCI power connectors (like power connectors for a high end video card). Those are only a couple of dollars. You can even buy them with a set of cables - which I would cut in half and use to run power to the input of the LED controllers, which typically have screw terminals for the power in.
So for $50 MAX, and normally a lot less, there’s enough power for 30 strings of LEDs.
Since there likely won’t be so many LED strips clustered in one spot, there are smaller 750W power supplies for even less money. That’s still 10-15 strings of LEDs with plenty of headroom, 20 to load it down close to max.
Since the LED controllers don’t use the PCI 6 pin connectors, cutting the supplied cables in half also allows you to easily stick an appropriate size fuse on each one.
And these are NEW power supplies, not refurbs or used, for those prices. ANd they are, at least in the case of the HP one, Platinum efficiency rated, over 90% efficient even at 50% load.&nb