Well...I'm Back!

I hope we don’t loose to may to the re-registration. This new look is pretty cool!!!

Welcome back Captain!

Good to see ya, guys. This will take a little getting used to.

Am I the only one who found the re-registration rigamarole a bit annoying? [V] I ALMOST decided it wasn’t worth the trouble.[:(]

What annoyance?

New forum looks nice. Let’s see what sort of trouble I can get into[:-,]

Took me ages to get my username back - but would agree it looks better

I had troubles too guys–I’m learning the new site just like you. but now I’m rolling and there’s no turning back! :smiley:

Just another one of life’s little learning curves…again [:)]

It’s 2006, by this time next year we’ll be trying to learn something entirely different

I like it !! [:)]

Oh yea? Take a look at your posting in the photo contest thread

Testing this to see if this is how to reply to a thread. It’s a bit confusing.

test test test…Bueller? Bueller?[banghead]

Dang, now I have to figure out how to get my signature block back…stupid technology- we should all still be using rocks and sticks in my opinion…

Well, since everyone is testing guess I will try to.

I’m not sure where to click to post a reply. I guess anyone of the ‘reply’ buttons on people’s posts.

test over


Me too. Howdy!

So have I made it

TJ you can use those sticks and rocks to build a depot.

I think parchment and quil’s(spelling) where for communications[:)].

regards John

No, you are not the only one, we just got back from a 4 week trip to California taking in the Garden Railway Convention in Santa Clara and when we just had to go through all the rigmarole of reminding ourselves what the password was etc., it was diabolical!!! We are jetlagged enough without having to do this too.

Carol & Malcolm Ravensdale