My friend Richard Says,
“THANK YOU !!! Somebody does get it.”
James and Richard.
My friend Richard Says,
“THANK YOU !!! Somebody does get it.”
James and Richard.
If your buddy wants to go ahead with it then all the power to him. 1/64 scale cars are not even close to 1/87, anybody that thinks they are “close enough” are only fooling themselves. With all the quality HO scale cars and trucks available now people don’t need to use Hot Wheels as cars on their layouts. I guess its all in what you want in your layout.
Saronaterry, the second picture looks good because the car is at the front of the picture making the train look farther away then what it really is. The first picture though the car doesn’t look right. Its not proportioned to the people or the building. It looks like it stands way to tall for a B-Body GM product, if thats what it is. Just my [2c]
hello this is richard i have purchased 15 HO scale car they came with my auto rack car i purchased oneay. i also purchased a 7up semi truck inHO scale at a department store.