Went to the Museum of Science and Industry today.

I took my son to the Museum today and I took some snapshots:



I’ve always wanted to go there. The new layout has received rave reviews.


The new layout is very nice. I believe SMARTT constructed it for the Museum. The layout shows trains going from Chicago to Seattle (along with the “L” and the suburban Metra).

However, as a kid, I remember the O scale layout. While the scenery was not as detailed, I thought the old layout was more appealing.



I agree. The O scale layout with those modern looking blue and yellow Santa Fe diesels was much better. Not the best scenery but still a lot better looking than the HO. I hate HO.

I saw it this summer, Jim. My wife, sister, and brother in law had to drag me away. It’s an impressive layout.

I also liked the old O scale layout and the 999 and they have a real JU87 Stuka hanging from the ceiling. Don’t forget the sub!

Great photos. If you have more, please share.

My son really likes the Boeing 727. This jet actually is hanging above the train layout. You are able to walk inside the cabin and also see the inside of the cockpit. Pretty cool.



Hello Chief:

Since you asked, here are several from our last trip to the museum:



The layout looks spectacular in these shots, John. Great photos!


Thanks John. Someone took a lot of time and care building that one.

Thanks for bringing back that memory, John. Unfortunately when I went, I forgot my camera, and I had trouble adjusting my brother in law’s camera to the lighting at some of the exhibits. I don’t know how any hobbyist can look at that layout and not be awed.

There’s some O gauge at the museum too if you look carefully. There are a few (mostly tinplate) hanging on the wall in the same room as the HO layout, and I saw a Bing O gauge set in a store window in the Yesterday’s Main Street exhibit.

I could probably spend a whole weekend in that mueseum and not get bored.

Hello Dave:

The layout is really impressive. Maybe my childhood memories cause me to be biased, but the original O scale layout I saw as a kid was really special. However, I may be comparing apples to oranges. The current layout is exceedingly well done. What impresses me the most is how smooth the trains run. I have seen some really detailed HO layouts where the trains kind of wobbled along due to less than stellar track laying. This is one of the reasons I never really liked HO trains.

