West Virginia plan would connect tourist railroads

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West Virginia plan would connect tourist railroads

It says there are already 3 comments, but then it says mine will be first. Regardless, the plan sounds like a win-win-win.

I was just thinking of something like this a few days ago. A great plan!

Wow, what a fun and interesting project. I hope it works out and it sounds like it would be a great place to go visit when it is completed.

Sounds like a win-win for any and everyone inlovled!

“Other agencies” meaning thorn in the side environmental groups. Sounds like a great idea. I hate to see another route sacrificed however.

I rode the existing trains during an Elderhostel trip a few years ago. I’d come back in a heartbeat to ride the whole loop - it’s a beautiful part of the country.

This will truly make West VA “almost heaven!”… Even more than it already is. I have already marked my calendar for fall of 2013

Ah, good news for a change. The ride up the Greenbriar route is going to be a major attraction. Now, picture a Shay/ BL2 meet. I’ll try to be there for that.

As someone who lives in West Virginia I know how great this can be for the state. I have ridden many of the existing trains out of Elkins and Cass and to have even more options will be fantastic. Cass Scenic Railroad is already one of the jewels of the State Park System in West Virginia and I know this will only enhance that. I hope they can get this done.

A very good idea now if trains of BLACK-GOLD from the Elk-River line would be shipped out, how about that for the best of both world’s? Work & Play double the pleasure. ps the western end does connect to CXS. at Tygart’s Jct.?

Sounds like a great plan - hope they can make it work !!!

Thanks,Scott .

To Russell, yes, there is another WVC line from Elkins down the Tygart Valley River that connects to the Appalachian & Ohio south of Grafton, where the A&O connects to CSX.

The closest stop the Cardinal makes to any of these locations would be Staunton, VA which is about 84 miles from Cass.

Being a Mountaineer who currently lives in Georgia but goes home frequently I would love to see this project come true. Although it may cost some taxpayer money in beginning the economic benefit that the area would receive would definitely offset set that expenditure in a few years. If you are familiar with the area the one thing they need is a shot in the arm economically, and I think this would be a fantastic boost.

I had to get out a December '73 Chessie map to follow the route. Would definitely be worth pursuing and taking a ride.

$20 million cost and $50 million return on investment? If these figures are right this is a no brainer! However, I would question the $20 million.

I would love to see this plan accomplished and I would be one of the first to buy a ticket. I just hope that $5+/gallon gas does not become a stumbling block.

Having ridden on the three lines concerned with this proposal, I can only concur that it is an excellent plan. I will look forward to an early ride on the new arrangement.

Having ridden on the three lines concerned with this proposal, I can only concur that it is an excellent plan. I will look forward to an early ride on the new arrangement.