I’ll start: out near Amboy, CA.
Off the I-10 Freeway between Barstow and Needles? So broad.
you guys are on the right track.
Psst…It’s I-40 Zak
I’ll guess Ludlow…
OOPS, My bad. I knew better than that. It is what I meant. How about out by Newbarry Spring?
Well today we have two winners !!! This is about half way between Newberry Springs and Ludlow so I would have accepted either. Good job guys. Let me see if I can dig up another.
I would have accepted Pisgah too as I think that’s what the RR calls this spot. On this trip I followed rte 66 east of Dagget. 66 is now National Trails highway. Well at the time there were broken sections between Ludlow and Barstow (I don’t know if that changed). Well at one point I left the hwy and followed the right of way for several miles. I stopped and broke out the lounge chair and cooler for a while.[8D] Then the 991 came through and I decided to give chase.[:p] I jumped in the car and got back on the highway and highballed. I didn’t notice that there were no signs or Boxdots or the weeds groing through the cracks in the pavement. So there I am booking along at like 90 trying to catch the head end. I was watching more train then road. All of the sudden I look ahead to see a barbwire fence right across the road !!![:0] I brought her from 90 to a stop about 10 feet short of it. Driveing out the other way I noticed this road was not a road anymore. And when I got back to the good section I saw all the signs and barracades saying road closed. I just happend to miss them cause I rode in on the right of way.[B)]
Oh, man, I would have loved to hear you explaining that one to the cop and tow-truck driver if you hadn’t been able to stop!
By the way, you gotta admit that Amboy (i.e., the Amboy Crater) is not that far away…
Yep, It’s just over the hill. BTW- the car I was in was this POS Olds beater that I just could not kill. It was like a Timex, took a licken and kept on ticken. I bounced off more rocks and got that thing stuck more times then I could count. The worst was getting high centered way the heck out in the desert and haveing to dig it out with just a tire iron and a coffe can, in the heat of summer. Took about 4 hours.
Well, since much of my research takes place in deserts, I never go out without at least one shovel, tools, food, and lots of water. The past few years, we’ve been taking a satellite phone on our major trips.
Was that POS Olds the one we saw in a previous Western Where is it photo taken near Mojave?
That’s unlike me to not be prepared. I don’t know why I didn’t have my shovel that trip but actually it was so rocky the tire iron was probably better. I had to chisel several big boulders out. What really pissed me off was right when I started digging these guys in a jeep passed a few hundred yards from me and didn’t stop, even though I was yelling and waveing my arms and could see them looking right at me.
And yes that was the same car.