what age did u start?edit

just wonderin because im 11 and im going to start modeling right after i turn 12! nothing personal[;)]

EDIT:i put a 7 and under for anyone next to vote or anyone else just edit ur post to say that u change it

Looks like I’m the old man of the bunch.

I started at age 13 with my first train set, and am about to start layout construction 2 weeks from now at age 14 (if I ever get a track plan totally figured out![:D])

lets see i got my first o Gauge set from my grandparents at the age of 7 or so. i started modeling HO a year ago when i was 10

Christmas 1964, I got a Lionel Santa Fe double diesel train set. That’s where it all started.

looks like most people more or less started when they where younge rthan 12

10 or 11ish

Started around 9.

I forget the exact age but I was still in Cub Scouts, so 10 or less. Mostly this was in the category of playing around with my dad’s layout and making primitive structures out of cardboard, but I was definitely active in model railroading (as in doing lots of reading on the subject, building kits, etc.) before age 12.

I think I was 14 when I started with Lionel “027”. At 18 Joined the Navy. 4 yrs later parents had moved and don’t know what happened to the Lionel. Started again around age 27 in “HO” for about 5 yr. and again around 65 or 66 and am still at it. Age 72. I got back into it because my oldest son took me to a train show and I discovered DCC.


I have always been interested in trains…Ever since I was too young to talk, I expressed an interest in railroads. My first words were “Choo choo,” which kind of upset Mom…But hey, I was a train nut back then as well as now.

I got my first electric train set for Christmas when I was 5. It was a Bachmann “Rolling Thunder” HO scale set.

And now, I’m into N scale, and have much better equipment than what I started with.[:p]

Started at the age of 4. Still have the locos and rolling stock, and it still runs!!! Now I’m 45 and sometimes I think they run better than I do at times!![swg]

Started a couple years back.

I started model railroading at 24. I had some trains and built some plastic models in my preteen years, but didn’t really go anywhere with it.

12 or under?

Way, way under!

Got my first Lionel set (real tinplate) for my first Christmas, age five months and four days. I teethed on a box car.


  1. Cheap Tyco set under the Christmas tree. Now I’m 30. Gee, I’ve been in this hobby 77% of my life. Wow.

haha i should of added 5&under+++6-12


Got an old 8mm home movie (movie, not video tape - I’m old!) of me at age 2 running trains.

Used to help my Dad set up the layout every fall int he family room. I was about 5 when I found they track completed but nothign wired, so I wired it myself, discoverd my Dad had put a second block on the main line, found the gaps and wired that too, had trains running when he came home from work.

Built my first layout that was mine around age 8, in N scale (rest of the stuff was HO), got to keep that one up all year long because it was small, about 2x4 feet.


these stories are very interresting i never thought of people start model railroadin at such a young age but if u have some close to u that does it i guess it possible

i put a 7 and under for anyone next to vote or anyone else just edit ur post to say that u change it