What are the differences between ATLAS Mark III and Mark IV turnouts?

I just picked up an atlas Mark IV #8 turnout, as well as a Walthers/Shinohara #5.

I have to say, I’m pleasantly surprised at the quality of the Atlas turnout.

These seem to be available at online places for $10/each.

What gives? Why are these turnouts so nice for only $10?

(note, I haven’t hooked it up and tested it yet, but it’s looking pretty good).

I noticed at the hobby shop that the “non-Mark-IV” turnout did not have metal guardrails. This one does, and the price is the same.

Does anyone have any experience with these?

Interestingly also, was the fact that it was the same price as the Walthers/Shinohara - both $15.

I’m thinking they should have been priced differently, as when I search other places, the Walthers/Shinohara are always more expensive.


I was about to start similar topic myself. Here’s my experience. I have Walthers latest #10 switches. They are OK, all metal and DCC-friendly. But the frog is a bit too wide so car wheel dives in it a bit. Then I found Atlas Mark 4 turnouts and let me tell you I was pleasently surprised! So much that I no longer buy Walthers turnouts. All of my layout now uses Atlas Mark 4 #8. They look great, frog is better, they are DCC friendly and cars go over the frog with less wobble. I hope Atlas will be making other type switches in this series.

I have been unable to find #8 turnouts in code 100 so I guess you are referring to code 83 when you talk about Atlas Mark 4??


The difference I noticed was where you power the frog. On the Mark III it is inside the rails of the track next to the frog. On the Mark IV it is on the outside of the rails which makes soldering a power wire to it a breeze.
