What can engineers do?

While running a train down the tracks, what can an engineer do and what can’t they do? Can they eat, text message, surf the internet, talk on cell phone?

They might be able to eat. The text messaging, internet surfing and cell phones are a Federal no-no. See attached.


they can eat, read, text, surf internet, talk on the phone, wave at people, do puzzels, drink , go to the bath room, listen to music or a nascar race and a few other things.

I’m pretty sure all electronic devices were banned by the FRA - which includes laptops and cell phones. Also, they let the engineer leave his seat to go to the bathroom…while the train is MOVING??

Tyler- I think you might be underestimating wabash1’s sense of humor. [(-D]

My remote never has to go to the bathroom… :stuck_out_tongue:

“…leave his seat to go to the bathroom … while the train is MOVING??”

That’s doubtful.

Even if the conductor is a “demoted employee,” which is to say he or she is a qualified engineer on the district but temporarily cannot exercise engineer seniority due to a downturn in business, I should think that most carriers would still want two sets of eyes and ears looking ahead while the train is moving.

As for cell phones and laptops, some carriers will allow possession of these devices, but they better be switched off and stowed away while the train is moving. Some carriers have allowed the limited use of cell phones, but only as a backup communications device such as with radio failures or out-of-radio-range circumstances. But I don’t know if subsequent edicts from the F.R.A. may have banned even that.

Two sets of eyes? Be hard to do any switching operation then. What operation has banned the possession of cell phones? That’s just idiotic. My phone is turned off, but in my pocket. We are allowed limited personal use of a phone when stopped, and it can be used for business purposes. And they are definitely allowed for emergency backup purposes.

To Zug:

One question. Can you multi-task like Wabash1? [}:)]

From his comment he seems to be ambidexterous.[swg]

I don’t wave.

They can even sleep!

I bet an engineer can eat, go to the bathroom, read a magazine, call his local union rep, wave, AND get a thread locked on trains.com, all in one day!

I am once again utterly perplexed by some of the answers to what seems a reasonable question, particularly that offered by wabash1. In a sense, yes, an engineer CAN do all those things. He CAN jump off at 55 m.p.h. He CAN thrust his finger toward the trainmaster should he be seen along the right-of-way. He CAN do anthing within his physical and mental capabilities, but I thought the question was asked what could the engineer lawfully or judiciously do when operating a locomotive in train service. How do nonsensical answers serve any need?

And I am utterly perplexed on why you fail to understand (or have a problem with) a little railroader humor. If you just want cut and dry lame answers, fine here they are:

Can they eat, YES (unless conditions exist where eating will prevent them from the safe executions of their duties)

text message, NO

surf the internet, NO

talk on cell phone? NO


I don’t even know why I bother to post on here at times. I’m serious. A lot of people sucking the fun out of this place lately. [banghead]

Perhaps the distinction between the two words, “may” and “can” is not clear to some people. Wabash seems to know the difference between the two. What you can do and what you may do may well be two entirely different things, and and I believe that the questions would have been phrased, “What may engineers do?”

Go, Wabash!


My friend is a retired engineer from PC, CR, and NS. The rule is that when they need to use the restroom they have to stop the train. Now although this is a rule he said there have been engineers who let the conductor at the controls briefly if they have to go do #1, but this is against the rules. Although he never did it himself but he’s know other folks to do it.

When are you doing another one of your stories Zug?

Sorry I got a little silly.

What a load of crap!

In case it is still unsettling the way some people, including myself, have injected a little levity, what may seem like sarcasm, or whatever, I think it is just poking fun at the question as originally phrased. We all know what is being asked, but the construction of the question for those answering facetiously can be answered as they have done because all doctors, cab drivers, engineers, and cinema operators can do what the rest of humanity does.

Had the question been ‘tighter’, as in, “When their train is in motion, what are engineers allowed to do, or what are they prohibited from doing? For example, what if they have an urgent need to use the bathroom? Can they use a cell phone under any circumstances?”

But, as it was posted, it leaves a little room for some fun which, these days, the forum could use. I don’t think anyone was intending to offend anyone else.

My [2c]
