I hope everyone can stay healthy, and observe the conditons that have been prescribed for all of us…
[soapbox] The first week of this month, I did my regular shift[Tuesdays and Thursdays] at the local VA Hospital… Everrything was tipically routine; until I got home that evening.
Friday morning of that week, I was suffering from having spent the previous night, with the porcelaine pony. Friday, all day was a repeat of the previous night. I now have a complete understanding of why,as a society, we have a fear for the lack of those round roles, and our societal need to ‘hoard’ the same.
The whole exercise culminated in a lack of any appetite. For the next 7 days, I lived on a few cups of Boullion, and an occasional cup of tea. As the old saying goes, “…it was the worst of times, and the best of times…” I lost 26 lbs. [:-^]
I have been self-quarantined at home since… I have seen more television this month, that I ever had in a similar period of time. And then spend time sitting at my desk watching the BNSF out the window. I had never noticed how the trains were beeing ‘Fleeted’ through here; The stackers together, and the grain trains by themselves, while the merchandise trains also, seem to run in pairs,
. One thing, I have found to blunt the effects of too much TV has been You Tube. Thanks to Flintlock76, I spent an afternoon binge-watching British military bands…Learned about all I needed to know, about the Nepalese Gerka’s, and their hiostory in the British Army; and all the ‘How-To’ stuff, I never knew, I did not know to do.
And, then, I think I’ve seen every video on UP 4014’s last soiree about the country. Last night, I spent a couple of hours ( and, I think, fr