What Condition is Your Condition In?

Well now Kenny Rogers has passed at the age of 81. Remember this?


And this:


As for myself my current condition is fine at least so far but I’m not tempting fate, locked up, holed up, all that.

I am however The Gambler… as in sacrificing small nest eggs in games of chance.

I’m 70, and in excellent health. For the last week we’ve been moseying from Charleston SC back to Maine. We are ten minutes from getting home. Will be glad to get there. We will be isolating ourselves except for grocery shopping. We live in a small village, and have no reason to have contact with others, except when we go to the next town to shop. I fully expect well not contract the virus. I will be looking to see if there is way to help out, without contacting people. Maybe I can do some type of virus-related volunteer work online.

Our grocery has initiated seniors- only hours: Tues Wed Thurs, 6/7 am. We’ll be rising with the chickens Tuesday. Just stopped briefly for a few things to get us to then.

Be safe, all.

I think this one fits the mood: Over and over and over again

Many stores here are doing the same thing. Some folks have complained about the early hours, but that is when the stores will be best stocked and sanitized.

I think I’m in decent health. I’m also one of those who wonder if maybe I haven’t already had the virus, as it made it’s silent rounds before the news broke. Or not.

Our governor says “we’re all in quarantine.” At this point there is just one known case here in my county, plus one visitor later found to have been positive.

A local distillery is donated sanitizing supplies to local responders. People might wonder about the whiskey bottles at the fire station, but, that’s what they’re putting it in. They’ll put out some hand sanitizer in a couple of days.

Using on-line info I found, and after I made a trip to the fabric store, one of our local quilters is turning out some masks for the FD. I asked her to make as many as she had material for.

Waiting impatiently…

The biggest problem with this virus is the number of asymptomatic individuals that are carriers and spreaders.

Since we are only testing symptomatic individuals we are dark on the other side of the contagion.

My health have not a cold in 6 years which is a bad thing at late 40s which means that the next cold will be a doisy…Aortic Anerosim,HBP& 711 food and cheap beer at the train station on the run.

I think that is basically true and have been thinking along those same lines. However, after watching the task force news conference yesterday, I no longer believe that there acually is a pre-symptomatic phase.

I think the so-called pre-symptomatic phase is just the time lag between a victim contracting the virus and realizing they have symptoms. Then they delay further action by waiting to see if the symptoms seem serious.

Overall, it does delay in isolating and getting treated, and that delay would have the same effect as the supposed pre-symptomatic delay. But I think the idea of the pre-symptomatic delay was made up based on a misunderstanding or a purposeful deception.

But either way, I agree that the delay is giving the virus a head start.

Enough about the damn coronavirus! I’m using bold purple lettering because I can’t use purple prose! This thread’s supposed to be about Kenny and how good he was for all those years.

The “Night Train” finally came for him just like it’s going to come for all of us, so kick back, pour yourself a beer or two or three, and remember the good times, like this…


OK, “Shiner Bock” fueled rant over. Back to the usual stuff.

PS: Dolly’s a steam freak!



We already know what condition Kenny is in. The world moves on.

I hope everyone can stay healthy, and observe the conditons that have been prescribed for all of us…

[soapbox] The first week of this month, I did my regular shift[Tuesdays and Thursdays] at the local VA Hospital… Everrything was tipically routine; until I got home that evening.

Friday morning of that week, I was suffering from having spent the previous night, with the porcelaine pony. Friday, all day was a repeat of the previous night. I now have a complete understanding of why,as a society, we have a fear for the lack of those round roles, and our societal need to ‘hoard’ the same.

The whole exercise culminated in a lack of any appetite. For the next 7 days, I lived on a few cups of Boullion, and an occasional cup of tea. As the old saying goes, “…it was the worst of times, and the best of times…” I lost 26 lbs. [:-^]

I have been self-quarantined at home since… I have seen more television this month, that I ever had in a similar period of time. And then spend time sitting at my desk watching the BNSF out the window. I had never noticed how the trains were beeing ‘Fleeted’ through here; The stackers together, and the grain trains by themselves, while the merchandise trains also, seem to run in pairs,

. One thing, I have found to blunt the effects of too much TV has been You Tube. Thanks to Flintlock76, I spent an afternoon binge-watching British military bands…Learned about all I needed to know, about the Nepalese Gerka’s, and their hiostory in the British Army; and all the ‘How-To’ stuff, I never knew, I did not know to do.

And, then, I think I’ve seen every video on UP 4014’s last soiree about the country. Last night, I spent a couple of hours ( and, I think, fr

Hang in there Marine, if the VC and the NVA couldn’t get you some miserable bug never will!

Want to do some REAL binge watching? Check YouTube for Mark Felton Productions, a military history buffs dream come true! Wow!

Semper Fi Sam!


PS: Lady Firestorm and I had a case of what we believe was the regular flu the first week of this month. Temperature, body aches, coughs, “snoolies,” general tiredness, but thank goodness no “poops.” All over in five days. We both feel fine now.

She gave it to me, and wouldn’t take it back!

I’m inside, got a lot of cold beer, plenty of grub and a fresh bottle of Jack Daniels. I’m doing OK. What condition is my condition in? See below:


I’ve always liked that song “The Gambler”- the imagery of it stays with me.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JH2DKdrw_os That Crazy Feeling
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gNnKXwnsno We’ll Always Have Each Other

Well, I hope we can agree that this thread is about death. In that vein I’ve been somewhat surprised that local deaths due to the corona virus are being reported in the local media without mention of the names of the departed. Citing a need to protect the privacy of the departed.

In contrast it appears curious that they (the same media outlets) feel no need to protect the privacy of suicide victims, victims of other diseases, and unintentional self inflicted deaths.

Forces me to suspect the “privacy” argument is a specious one.

This one was ‘popular’(?) with people I worked towards the end of the Vietnam war:

“Ruby, Don’t Take Your Love to Town”


Sang it for a lot of miles in the old surveying truck.

  • PDN.

I agree. YouTube is fantastic. In fact I have my own channel there (but not about trains).

May I point out that a simple HDMI cable can allow the YouTube programs on your computer to play on your television. For many that means a much bigger screen and better sound, resulting in an improved experience.

One can buy HDMI cables (that’s what they’re called) in varying lengths from Amazon, B&H, etc. They are cheap and install instantly!

Wait until you get a Smart TV. No cables needed!

Wow! You’ve got your own YouTube channel? How can I (we) find it? I’m VERY interested!

I wanted to private message you with the question but it doesn’t look like it’s possible.

Yes, there’s a LOT of good stuff on the 'Tube. A lot of junk too, but no-one makes you watch it.

Another fun YouTube channel I like to watch is called “Inside The Chieftain’s Hatch.” If you want to learn about tanks, he’s the guy to watch! Very informative and entertaining! Downright hilarious at times too!

An easier permanent option for YouTube on tv is a Roku dongle plugged into a HDMI port of your television. I bought and set up one for my mother a few weeks ago. It was about $20 and was called a Roku Express.

Hooking it up is about as simple as it comes. It didn’t even need to be plugged into a power outlet thanks to being USB powered and the tv having an unused USB port. And it connects to the router via wifi and doesn’t need you to string an ethernet cable to it.


It does YouTube and hundreds of other streaming apps.

Many HDTV’s even have Roku functionality built in these days (aka Smart TV’s). I have YouTube, Watch Turner Classic Movies, and several others installed on my television. And if you’re a subscriber to such services, it of course has apps for all the popular paid services like Netflix, Hulu, etc.

Ditto, although there’s not a lot there: treesixtyeight

About once a month I’ll get a comment on the Hackensack videos.

If you want to do some virtual train watching, there are dozens of web cams located all over the country. My favorite, of course, is Deshler, OH. There are two there, reachable via YouTube. If you have a YT account, you can join the chat as well.