What do you cut flex track with?

I have seen this Xuron tool and I have also seen a saw. Just looking for opinions. Maybe I’m missing a tool?

Also who sells the best manual ground throws??? Can these be used with Peco switches? Again your opinion.


The Xuron Rail Nipper is the best and quickest way to cut rail. It’s as easy as cutting a piece of wire with wire cutters. Used properly, it will last a lifetime.

I’ve only used Caboose Industry ground throws with about every kind of turnout that’s available. I’m now using them with Atlas Code 55 in N-Scale and wouldn’t use anything else. They are cheap, easy to install, and work like the prototype. They are a tad oversize though, but so are my fingers!!!
Good luck,

For cutting rail I use a cuttoff blade in my Dremel. Works like a charm. I use groud throws also, and with Peco turnouts. Get them installed correctly and they work beautifully.


I’ve used the Atlas track saw. Too much work. Then tried a Dremel with a cutoff wheel. Better but the wheel wears out or breaks and there’s gringing dust. Xuron Rail Nipper works the best. Very quick, clean and accurate.

Don’t forget to wear safety glasses. If you’re shorting just a little bit of rail, that little chunk will go flying. So be careful especially if other people or pets are in the room.

NJ International also makes operating switch stands.

I will have to [#ditto][#ditto][#ditto] that, having experienced the metal shard in the eye thing. It is not a good way to pass the day. Especially bad is the process of SCRAPING out the rust because you left it in there for 2 days before you went to the eye Dr. Don’t EVEN get me started on that. Anyway, I was in high school then and not so bright apparently. WEAR SAFETY GLASSES!!!


I use the Dremel but bought the diamond cutoff wheel. It does not break and cuts a slightly smaller kerf. Since I got the Lithium Battery Dremel, the convenience factor went way up, especially when the track is already laid.

Xuron is a purpose-built tool, and does it highly efficiently. With care and practice, you can nip 1/16" off a rail end. [#ditto] about the safety goggles, and tell others to avert their faces when you make the cut.

Is the correct tool?

Yep, that’s the one. I have tried all of the abouve and the Xuron nipper is the best!

Shop around!!! I think I paid that much at my LHS in Cdn $! I’m sure you can do better since you must pay shipping as well.

I prefer to pre-size and cut rail (flex track and otherwise) with a cutter similar to the Xuron tool. (I made it myself years before there was a Xuron tool.)

For cutting rail already in place, my weapon of choice is a hobby backsaw - either Zona or X-Acto.

After the rail is cut, take a swipe or two at the inside edge of the railhead with a file or emory cloth, to remove burrs and dull the sharp corner. Doing this has reduced rail joint derailments to zero on every layout I’ve worked on since I discovered the idea.

ALWAYS wear eye protection any time you are cutting ANYTHING! Murphy is alive and well, and flying objects WILL find unprotected eyeballs.


Don’t forget that the Xuron tool or rail nippers will give you one good end and one bad end. If you plan to use the cut-off end, turn the nippers around and trim the end smooth. I usually follow the cut with some filing.
If you want to do a lot of filing, use wire cutters or linesmen’s pliers. Some of them make an unbelievable mess of rail.

I’m just going to jump it with a track order. Flex track for $1.99 Can’t find anyone that will beat that. Just trying to figure out what peco turnouts I need.