What do you dial to order a book?

I tried to order the new book about wiring your toy train layout from the Kalmbach 1-800 number. When I dialed it, I got a recording telling me to dial one for American Snow Mobiler, dial two for Bead and Button etc. I think you have to dial 4 to get CTT, but there was no option to dial to order a book. So what am I supposed to do? I wish for the old days back where someone would just answer the stupid phone and direct you to where your call needed to go.

Hello, if you press 4 you can order anything (magazine or product) from Classic toy Trains. If you aren’t sure, ANY number will get you to help for ordering.

Thanks Rene, I will do that on monday. I am one of those old fashoned guys that does not like to send my credit card number over the internet.

Me neither, you’re not alone.