What do you recomend for Opperating Switch stands??

I am getting ready for track work on the steam facility and yard. I will opperate the turnouts with Humpyard levers, a variation of the choke cable approach. I will need operating switch stands so the operater can tell what is open and what is closed by looking at the track, not a control panel.

Question, what works and what have you used. I have a limited budget for this part and need about 16 stands. Any Suggestions???

Railway Engineering makes one that could be used to hand throw or to turn based upon automatic turnout throw.


This is at least similar to the one shown in action in the following Video:


Scroll down to "Switching at Third Street Industrial District" and play the video. The switch stand operation starts about 2:30 into the video.


I’ve used Details West: movable switch stands.



The Central Valley stands have targets that will move when the turnout is thrown.

Has anyone managed this? I’ve asked for it. And I got only one answer from one who managed it for one turnout out of seven. With my Details West I get at first try now 90%. [:)]


I did one on a diorama I built. It worked OK. You can’t throw the turnout with it, but the target does move when the switch machine throws the turnout. They aren’t the easiest things to build, but they are low cost. The only other ones I’ve seen were RE’s and those were $14/each.

I guess you powered the throw bar between the rails. I powered the throw bar from the end. You can see it at turnouts.

Would I start again I would go with the Proto:87 throw bars .
