Hello Marc. From what I can undestand, the first picture refers to a lower level, and the second, the main level. And the two are connected on the right side. Correct?
If this was my layout, I would allow continuous running on the main level, which can be easily done by creating a return loop on the bottom right section.
About the two yards in your peninsulas, I see that you would need to do a lot of backing-up operations to get cars in or out. That’s looking for trouble, especially in the curves. I would create more escape tracks (you have already two, I would do more).
My firts objective is to run trains with a purpose, thats why i dind make a continues run on the upper level. my passenger trains go only once in the station and head back to stagging on the middle penisula. the upper peninsula is dedicated to, in firts place to intermodal traffic, and second for boxcars.
The height of the two layers is about 16cm ore 6,29 inch. youre right about the track between the two levels, this as a grade of 2%.
this layout is being build to work with max. 2 people and will be dismanteld in time (about 4 to 8 years) to move to an other location.
I also want to say sorry for my englisch i’m dutch speaking and living in Belgium
The major issue I see is the hugely long single track down into stagin/shadow trackage. I would suggest double tracking it so that you can be bringing a train “up” at the same time you are sending a train “down”.
With the shadow yard ladders arranged the way they are, switches to the rear, a train on a front track will obscure the view of the switches to the rear. An arrangement that has the switches towards the front will allow visual verification of switch postion and trains in the clear. There are also alternative switch arrangements (diamond shaped yard) that allow for all the tracks in the yard to be near the same length.
I agree with what Dave H (dehusman) says about the long single track between levels. Also, if you are using something to light up indicators showing switch position in your shadow yards then I think you are fine. If not, I agree with Dave’s other statement about the arrangement of your switches. With such tight clearances between the lower and upper level it could be really difficult to see switch position, much less change it. I assume you have a plan for that?
You might have a bit of difficulty reaching into the turnouts at the top of the ‘shadow station’ (above the center peninsula) with the tight space between the two levels. I would do a cardboard mock up of that area before starting construction.
Thanks for all the ideas. I think i’m going to redraw the yards in the stagging to avoid any problems with the turnouts.
All the tables are 80 cm depht and 90 cm above the floor.
Why i’m building single track on the incline? this is because when i move to our other place i have a indoor garagebox of 28m². Now i’m trying to build something i can enjoy and in time re-use in the box with a minimum los of wood (the prices in europe are very high). in the box i’m planning a double deck layout with a hellix (but this is still future).
So i try to keep this layout simple with lots of fun and train running (most of the time alone).
In 2019 hebben we Maastricht, Valkenburg en Brunssum bezocht.
De oudoom van mijn vrouw ligt begraven op de Amerikaanse militaire begraafplaats in Maastricht.
In 2022 bezochten we Valkenburg (wielerwedstrijd Amstel Gold), daarna naar Liegè (wielerwedstrijd Liegè-Basgogne-Liegè) en Huy (wielerwedstrijd Flèche Wallonne).
Valkenburg is een prachtige stad die we graag bezoeken.
We reisden met de trein naar alle plaatsen.
Ik hoop dat dit helpt.
“Uhh…ik wist niet dat het ‘onmogelijk’ was, ik heb het gewoon laten werken…sorry”
I have changed my plan for the upper part of my layout, now i don’t have anymore double switch turnouts and reduce the upper loop with one turnout what would make wirring more simple with less problems. You can see the new plan below, please let me now youre thoughts.
This idea was already in my head when a start to drow the plan, but because the grandeur of the papermill factory i have to put my rails on the rights side of the buildings. the direction of the train is not that inportant because all the industrie on de peninsula comes and go to the yard who is clear from the main.
It appears the operation is a “dogbone”, up out of staging to a big reversing loop on the upper level.
There doesn’t appear to be a place to meet two opposing trains other than in the yard, that means pretty much the trains will have to operate all the same direction when they go around the return loop or yu will have to operate trains one at a time.
Is the facility in the left hand return loop the engine facilities? Normally the engine facilities are situated so it’s easy to get between the yard and the engine facilities. Not so much on your layout, it looks like you have to go 1/3 the way around the layout on the main to get to the engine facilites, somewhat awkward.