yes, much help… but jeremy was referring to a model car, not te full-size thing…

i get that gcor is universal, but i had read that in other areas, (northeast corridor) they have a different set of rules, and they use a set of initials, like gcor, to refer to it…

maybe this is a supplement to the gcor… it just didn’t strike me that it was a sub-set of the gcor…

You’d have to get someone who works for Amtrak to get the whole scoop, its their track and rules there, but let me check something,…well Amtrak western division peninsula commute service and Amtrak, Chicago hub, along with Amtrak NOUPT all adopted the GCOR, 4th edition, april 2, 2000, but I am sure they have a set of their own rules, maybe a Amtrak employee can help you out?
Glad I was of some service.
And rule 10 for entering Texas: We open doors for women. That applies to everyone regardless of age.
more as needed

I love that rule!


what is noupt? that wouldn’t refer to a town down south, would it?

Have no idea, was reading that from the index page of theGCOR, listing railroads that have adopted the GCOR.
show as
Amtrak-NOUPT…hope we get a Amtraker to explain.