what i remeber about the wisconsin central when it was its own railroad


i needed to think of a topic to write about so this is it

when the wisconsin central was its on line i remember some stuff that was probably between 1996-1999. when i was 3 -6 wow i can remeber from then. when i used to go to milwaukee all the time i would see the trains going along hwy 41 comming off of byron hill ( but i neevr knew it as byron hill. & i would see the maroon colored trains going each way. ya & i always couldnt wait to come back to go through the area to see the trains & i also noticed this a few years ago that the line pretty much follows 41 til allenton for some where around their. ya i made alot of trips to milwaukee alot since my uncles lived thier & my grandma. well now 1 uncle moved to hawaii & ya i dont make as many as i remembr we did. & i alway couldnt wait to go past the wc caboose in fond du lac their. ahh thats some good memories i can remember. ya i never really got into trains when i was younger. ya i would of lovedto go to the places when it was the wc. ya but i got into it when i went to stevens point to get something that no one else had near me & i said to my mom lets taks a drive & then i got tempted to keep goin back so i did.

my memories wont die of them times when i saw the trains & the wc wil never die in my & some other people.