What if...or...?

Has anyone gone with the possibility of “the big mergers never happened” and the old familiar roads were running the big modern engines? Or would there not have been the inertia to come out with the big modern engines? Something to ponder, eh?

That also includes no Amtrack, all the big name streamliners are still wearing their colors!

I thouht of making Southern Ry. modern with intermodals and AC4400W. But then I thought that would be a lot of custom painting


My nephew originally planned to build a layout of the Pennsy if it had survived to the present day. Think he has changed his mind though. I have to admit, it’s an interesting idea. Lot of fun modeling possiblities. You would have to have custom made decals though, at least for the fallen flags. Assuming they would modernize their logos over time.

My alternate history starts with the interurbans surviving the depression. That way I don’t have to worry about automobiles on the layout. I work with them eveyday, I don’t even want to think about them during leasure time.

I haven’t thought to hard about mergers but I imagine I imagine I could have the Cincinati, Georgetown & Portsmouth eventualy run coast to coast and buy out the Union Pacific. I do like seeing a UP loco go by every now and then and I like the looks of CSX locos so if I decide to model present day, there will be some mergers and bankruptcy’s that never happened.

I’ve seen pictures in MRR Trackside Photos of a guy who did just that, has modern big GE and EMD power with a modified version of Reading’s yellow and green scheme. I’m not a big fan of that color scheme, but it did look nice on those jumbo modern units with wide cabs. The captin mentioned that this was his layout design - as if Reading hung on and Conrail never happened.


When I get my layout going and scenery started I plan on getting some modern locomotives like SD70Ms and Dash 9s, add high hoods, and paint them in Southern colors. Also paint some intermodal, autoracks, and coal hoppers Southern. This would be if the Southern absorbed Norfolk and Western and kept all the Southern traditions.


The Southern Serves the South!