What if there was 1 super railroad, spanning all of north America???

I would have to say another Union Pacific Meltdown.

then it would suck. (unless it was BNSF[;)])

Hmmm, I was under the impression you had to know how much horsepower you have in a train.

And if you dont want to answer questions, I DONT REALLY CARE!!![}:)] I dont care if your a railroader or not, I just want my question answered.
I heard that some railroaders are whiny, hmmm, you fit that bill.
And how are we asking you to break you laws??? Im so SURE you know alot about your companies meger plans, I mean, you cant even tell much horsepower your train has!!![}:)]

I would call it the biggest mistake the Railroads would ever make, and… AEDAVE if you haven’t read the above message i think its time you did…

That would be pretty boring, but I think I could live with it if it were BNSF without that stupid swoosh logo/paint scheme. [:D]

And if you don’t thinks its “swoosh” check this out.

If there was; we would likely have a [banghead]socialist government in Washington and a LOT[:(]of us[X-)]would be in jail![8]

guys i need to know how to post pics

No offesne,but this is not the place to ask. Ask in the teen railfan forum or email me.

It would be totally boring.Seeing nothing but dirty yellow diesels with UNION PACIFIC on the side[:(][:(!][xx(]!

It would named, National Acme Amalgamated Railroad Company and the disels would all be the same model for mainline and yard service too. Plus a basic flat black scheme
with white NAARC lettering and numbers, no fancy swoosh or shield w/wings, yep easy to maintain and no more “cool” ditch lights.
Craig S. Cloud

Ditch lights arent for “coolness”…They improve visibility for the crews and allow people to have a better chance at seeing the train at night. They MAJORLY improve crew visibility! I dont know where you got the “cool” thing…

Maybe it would be regulated like MA BELL was. A “guaranteed” 12% ROI, a widow and orphans stock, strong pension. Since MA didn’t have to “compete”, it focused on reliable service. Bell Labs Invented many things including the transistor.

Now MA is forming again, currently covering 22 states.

I’m a free enterpriser, but in the US, would a single, regulated, but privately owned railroad be a “safe harbor” institution or a Maginot Line?

I think it was pretty clear to everybody here it was a joke. Way to go completely off topic.

I liked my response to him…Pretty much hit the nail on hte head…Anybody seen him lately?