What is best motor control setting to smoooooth out momentum?

Finally getting into Decoder Pro and setting proper speed ranges for my locos.

What is the best way of smoothing out lowest speeds of the locos (say around 7 smph). In playing with VStart, Mid and Max and with torque kick rate and kick strength, I can get the speed ranges I want, but at the slowest speeds there is some jerkiness.

Is this a product of my track/wheel cleanliness/voltage etc.?

What did you find is the best manner of smoothing…ie, what combination of settings? Perhaps more VStart and less kick rate and strength, or more of the latter and less of the former, or what ratio?

Mind you I did start this with the oldest Bachmanns I have…not with my new Katos etc.

I’m going to guess that the problem is the old Bachmann. You could open it up and give it a good cleaning and lube. This may help some, but if it’s got no flywheel and an old 3-pole motor, it won’t perform like a high-quality engine.

Try one of the new Katos. You’re not going to hurt it. If that runs well, then you know it’s not your track.

I usually adjust Vstart (CV2) so that the engine just barely starts to move at speed step 1. Then I set acceleration (CV3) to 10, and see how it works. If it starts up too slowly, I reduce CV3 a bit. Next I set deceleration (CV4) to a value a bit less than CV3. That’s more for operational convenience, by the way. I don’t want to take too long to slow down the train - my layout just isn’t big enough! I do this all manually, by the way. I’m not using Decoder Pro, but the concept is the same.