What is my engine worth?

I have a Lionel Milwaukee Road Engine #546 in orange and black. It is very old. My dad gave it to me in the 1970’s. Will posting a picture help? I was wondering what it is worth.

is it a steam locomotive or a diesel? Yes, a picture would really help.

It might be American Flyer. I could not find any Lionel engine with that cab number.


Not trying to be a smart alack but here is how your statement really comes across I have a 1946 ford whats it worth well to be honest yes a pic would help to do that you need to got a photo hosting site as you can’t just post a pic here. Already someone asked is it maybe American Flyer as they can’t find the number I’m wonder if its not HO and not O as Lionel had HO engines that looked like the O but smaller. and some of there engines where 3 digits if I remember correctly. Now did your dad give it to you new or was it his. If it was new then it still could be HO as lionel came back out with some I believe in the 70’s for a couple of years but which years not sure.

Does it have a middle pick-up for power between the outer wheels if not its not O that solves the first part. O/O27 runs on 3 rail track so it has 2 outer wheels and some sort of middle pickup wheather it be a slide type bar or a roller type item. Just some help

I don’t think he was trying to confuse as he has the number 546 but I can find no reference to anything Lionel O from 1945 through the modern era with that number.

More details, perhaps the story of how this engine came to you would provide clues. However a photo would help solve the mystery.

Lionel Milwaukee road engines were orange and black but they did not have that road number. It may be HO as suggested. If it is it is worth only a small fraction of what the O scale version is worth.

The #2338 Milwaukee rd., O gauge engine, runs in the neighborhood of 50-200 dollars depending on engine condition, and if it has the original box. That one was made in around 56 or 57.