I am assembling a couple of Pola plastic buildings for the first time is a few years and I wanted to get some advice on the best exterior glue for this type of project. The buildings will remain outside year round in a mild southern California environment (lows in the 30’s, highs in the 90’s and approximately 15 inches of rain a year). I would like a glue that fuses the plastic together permanantly. I have used Pola’s glue and “Zap” glue ( a Super Glue product) in the past with fair results. I have heard that Super Glue’s product “Plastic-Fuse” is very good but have no knowledge on it. Most of the comments on glues posted are at least a couple of years old. There are so many new products out today, I thought it appropriate to ask the question in 2007.
Just wanted to say thanks for the advice on glues. I believe you all provided me with some good ideas to use on my current building project.
Hi, As you have temp range that is high and low any glue will act differantly in temps of a big range. Why not use some treated wood and use this inside your building on the corners and to help with the roof it will reinforce the joins and make the building more ridged[2c]
In my experience all plastic glues will tend to deteriorate after a while left outdoors. You best bet for plastic glue is something with MEK (Methyl Ethel Keytone) as an active ingredient. This will fuse the plastic together and create a “welded” joint. I follow this up like two tone suggested with 1/4" square wood strips glued to the building corners or other stress joints with construction adhesive (common brand is Liquid Nails).
Sooner or later all outdoor models will fall apart, the best we can do is to make that time as far off as possible. Properly built and protected from the worst of the environment, a Pola or other good brand plastic building should last for many years.
In Canada, due to extreme temperature shifts, buildings falling apart is a common problem. It is the UV damage and the higher temps that wreak havoc. Many of us use an outdoor silicone to keep it all together. It is easily removed and does not stain the plastic. Good luck.
I usually use a plastic welding type agent like Ambroid ProWeld when possible. If not I’ll use a quick set CA (Super/crazy glue). I will then reinforce the joints with a 5 min. epoxy.
I live in Northern Cal. and have the same weather. I have tried most of the above with mixed results. What I have found to work is first clean the areas to be glued ,dish soap and water , rinse well. Then ruff up the edge’s to be glued with course sandpaper. this will give your glue or silacone sealer something to stick to. reasoning for this is silacone applied to smoth surface’s will peal off in time.
I’ve started using copper staples. Get them glowing red hot with the torch and “burn/melt” them into position, after using the super glue and then following up with some marine epoxy and spread a good bead along the inside of the joints. The roof has fell of Chalet de Vic twice since I built it, I’m hoping this will work!