What is the best rust colored paint?

Which brand of paint gives the closest match for rust? From my last topic on dressing up Lionel track, I have decied to also paint my outside rails rust. Thanks in advance guys.


I’m not sure what people are using these days, it is sort of a matter of opinion. Here’s a strange idea that I bet nobody else will tell you. Find something rusty, take it (or a small piece of it) to the paint or home improvement store, and have it color matched. I think you will want to stay away from the orangy shades, in favor of the browns. Good luck.


At my train shop I found a paint by Polly Scale-Model Railroad Colors, made by Testors, the shade is called Roof Brown. I used it to weather the sides of my Gargraves track on my club module, it looks great.

The Roof Brown color is flat and comes off looking like a Hersheys milk chocolate bar. I know this is accurate because in many hours on Railfanning I have noticed rails do not rust orange, but dark brown, just like Big Boy says above.

Hope this helps.

Floquil makes a nice rust colored paint.

Try a 75% Floquil Roof Brown and 25% Floquil Rust, thinned about 25% with lacquer thinner on your rails…darken it with the Roof Brown, lighten it with the Rust to get it to where you want it. Test it on the actual rails, since their natural color does impact the color of your mixture when it dries, which is just a few minutes since it’s lacquer based. (Track and bridge are painted as above…)

Jim Duda