What is the difference

What is the difference, cosmetically or looks wise between the SD-75i and the SD70MAC? I am trying to decide between two model. I need an SD-75i but the SD-70MAC is better quality for the same price. I don’t mind painting the mac to te livery I want but I’m not yet confident enough to perform major surgery on a shell.

Thanks in advance for the help.


If you go to the railroad paint shop, you can find some differences
SD70MAC http://paintshop.railfan.net/images/eby/sd70mac-bn.html
SD75I http://paintshop.railfan.net/images/moldover/sd75i-l.html
Sorry I couldn’t be of more help, but I’m in a hurry.

Athearn’s GENESIS made both the 70i and 75M with identical chassis. The most obvious difference was overhead mounted vs. nose mounted headlamps. These engines can be found on EBay for cheap, as some had tracking problems due to warped plastic truck’s, and can be easily replaced by Athearn, or bent to shape by hand.

The much later SD-70MAC is a different can of worms, with 4 different phases and several different paint jobs to choose between.''The SD-75M was made only for Santa Fe and delivered in War Bonner Red. The SD-70MAC’s were an upgrade of BN’s SD-60 and were delivered in the ‘Executive’ green and cream. prior to the merger.

The AC electric motors proved more reliable for slow speed tonnage hauling such as BN’s coal.

I’m trying to decide between an Athearn Genesis SD-75i in Ontario Northland livery or a Kato BNSF SD-70MAC which I would have to strip and repaint to ONR livery. I am looking to figure out what the differences are in looks so that I can decide if the superior Kato is worth the pain of kitbashing the shell (pain because I am a newbie).

Just so you know, Ontario Northland doesn’t own or never have owned any SD70’s. All their big equipment are SD75’s. They own 6 of them and sometimes loan one out to CN.

Chris, I should have added that the Athearn Genesis SD75’s are great runners in my opinion. Don’t be afraid to get a few.

Yes, I am aware of that, I just want to know if the 70MAC and 75i are close enough that I can modify the 70MAC to make it look like a 75i without too much work. Thanks for the heads up though TA462

PS. TA462 - If you have any pics of your layout I would be very interested in seeing them.

The reason that I’m asking is because I can get the Kato cheaper, and with what everyone is always saying on here about the quality of Kato (not to KNock the Genesis, but better is still better)

I’ll post a few pics latter on when I have some time. Kato do make great Loco’s. How much is the ONR SD75 going for?

129.95 and the kato is 119.95

do you model a protype section of Northland’s run or do freelance with ONR equipment?

My layout is mostly freelanced but there are a few area’s that are protoype ONR. I’m just finishing up the Beer Store that is serviced by railcar that the ONR looks after. Both those Loco’s are priced great.

If there is only a $10 price difference I’d say go with the Genesis - all the kitbashing and painting work you’d have to do on the Kato would outweigh the $10 savings IMHO…

IIRC, the SD70MAC is a little longer. Note the extra space after the last radiator fan at the back, and the ‘AC’ equipment covers behind the fireman’s side of the cab. The SD70MAC’s have ‘AC’ traction motors and were purchased for coal service. The SD70’s have ‘DC’ traction motors and are are favored for mechandise trains. Either the Kato or Genesis models are very nice…
