What is this?


I came across this this morning. What is the alarm for and what’s the engine being started?

Not sure what the alarm was for but from the sound the turbo made when running, I’d venture a guess that the unit in question is EMD, and likely a SD70M as the train seems to be on U.P.

I’m guessing the horn/alarm is akin to the bell on many road switchers - kind of like a “check engine” light.

Uh, The Key is in the ignition? (ding, ding, ding, ding…)[swg]

It looks like a UP SD-70m. The sound is a warning that the engine is going to start up. Engines that are equipped with active automatic start/stop systems will give an audible warning when the start sequence has been activated.


Aha. I didn’t think that it was for a seatbelt…

Just what Jeff and Jim said…the warning alarm for the auto start sequence, followed by the diesel cranking…it’s a SD 70M.

It will ring also just before shutting off the diesel.