What is Toy Train at end of Polar Express Movie?

At the end of the movie there is a scene Christmas morning with a (3 rail?) toy train going around a tree and amongst a bunch of boxes and what not. I want to say it was a stamped steel engine and perhaps was O gauge. I searched the archives and saw this asked several times but never really found any conclusive answers. I originaly thought it to perhaps be an early Marx. Some posts speculated it to be a late pre-war Lionel.

So what are is the general consenus? What make/model (if any) toy train was shown at the end?


I thought it was one of those tinplate prewar Lionel torpedo like steam engines. But it might have been a Marx.

I remember it being a characature of the Polar Express with a psuedo prewar Lionel/AF feel to it.

pgtr: Movie? There was a movie? [:O]