Every new nce decoder i insert, whether its in a train or the decoder tester, will allow the headlight to switch on and off but nothing else? it won’t move either direction, i have tried several different types but all the same result, however if i try a loco with a decoder already fitted and programmed they work fine? i’m new to DCC, and have read the instruction manual 50 times but can’t find anything about this? does anyone know what i can check or do?
The default address for a new decoder is address 3. You are selecting address 3?
I doubt it’s your Pro Cab. A couple of questions for you. After you install the decoder, are you addressing (or trying to) on a dedicated programming track first? Are you operating your loco on address “3”. Nearly every decoder comes from the factory with the default address of “3”.
When first power up a new decoder, you should always do that on a dedicated programming track rather than on your layout. An incorrect installation will be less likely to blow the decoder that way.
The other thing you might try is resetting your decoders to the original factory settings. For NCE decoders, that should be CV8=8.
Tom is it new to reset NCE decoders with CV8=8, personally I always use CV30=2 ?
Oops! [:$] That’s what I get for relying on my memory, Jack. [%-)] You are correct: CV30=2. Thanks for correcting me.
Double check your layout wiring. And then go back and check it again. A decoder should not exhibit such symptoms if you have things properly wired. and if you have the proper decoder address selected with the ProCab.
For any brand of decoder, the default address is 3.
On the ProCab, press the SELECT LOCO button; enter the number 3, and press ENTER.
If the decoder doesn’t function properly, something is wrong with your wiring or the Command Station.
Are you using the proper type of cable to connect the ProCab to the Command Station? Go back through the hookup instructions and insure you’re using the correct wire and that it is plugged into the correct place on the Command Station.
The wiring diagrams are in the inside front cover of the Power Pro System Reference Manual.
Is your system a ProCab or PowerCab ? There’s a big difference!
But both systems must be properly connected using the cables supplied, connected into the correct jacks, or they won’t work.
Which particular NCE decoders are you using, and which locos are you installing them in? If you can control the lights then power is getting to the rails, and commands are being sent, and received by the decoder. This would lead me to believe the decoder is not correctly installed. If the command station wasn;t sending commands, or the track had no power, then you couldn;t turn the lights on and off.
i have tried selecting 3 that didn’t work so i tried 03 that didn’t work so i tried 003 still no difference at all
i did try it on the programming track, it didn’t work, so i tried it on the programming track with my decoder tester still didn’t work, then i tried it on the layout still nothing but a headlight, however my other loco’s to which i have programmed previously and changed address can still be read or changed with out any problems??? just all the new ones won’t seam to work now? (the other ones were programmed late last year, these are the first to be done this year and i have not touched my layout in any way, wiring or otherwise!!)
i checked my layout wiring, and then tried it on a piece of test track, still the same, i can’t work out how any other loco already programmed will work fine, i just can’t program any new ones? perhaps i have a problem with my command station, because you would think if it was wiring then the other locos would not work either, i have also swapped hand pieces and swapped cables and even plugged the hand piece direct to the command station with still no different results, the really frustrating thing is that although i bought this DCC system back in 2005 i have only just got it up and running and it wouldn’t of done any more than 2 hours of running, oh and i also checked the power supply (came with the set.) and it it pumping out 15 volts AC, the status light is on and steady the other status light glows steady and yellow i think its yellow either that or green?
the decoder is a NCE 13dsr and 14dsr both 8 pin plugs and i have tried them and 3 other different decoders all nce that i can’t think of models at the moment, all have the exact same result, i have tried then in the decoder tester and in the loco, same result, one of the decoders i tried , required me to match the wire colors in to it still the same result (was 9 pin), the 8 pin plugs are marked and i have checked then again, i have used the tester which did work fine to test about 20 decoders last year all with no problems, the locos i have tried to fit to is and athern sd40, Austrains DL and a Trainorama 44 class all have brass flywheels and are dcc ready, no wiring mods required.
Do you have a motor connected to your decoder tester when you try to program something with it? Some decoders require that a motor be connected to the orange and gray wires for programming.
Your power supply may be at fault. Although you’re getting an adequate voltage reading, the current output may be too low for the system to function properly. The only way to know for sure would be to try a different transformer. What is the current rating of the transformer you’re using? Check its rated output against the manual’s recommended output. NCE recommends a transformer with an output of 15VAC at 5 Amps.
If all else fails, it’s time to contact NCE Customer Service and explain your problem in detail.
Read the section “TROUBLE SHOOTING” on page 79 of the manual. You may have inadvertently programmed a value into CV 19, which could cause the symptoms you describe.
It sounds like the command station has address 3 in an advanced consist.
Is the headlight just on, or is it controllable - ie, press the headlight button does it go on and off?
The proper address would be 3, no zeroes. Selecting 03 or 003 on NCE uses address 3 as a long address, the default address set in decoders is just 3, short address, so you should only be keying in 3, not 03 or 003.
how do i find out if this is the case and how do i get it out of advanced consist? (sorry for the simple questions but i’m still new to this dcc)
Yes the headlight is controlable, i can turn it on and off but that is the only thing i can do, it won’t change direction just stays the same end.
READ the TROUBLESHOOTING STEPS on page 79 of the manual. That explains how to clear a consist.
Program a value of 0 into CV 19.
If the decoder were programmed to be in a consist that would tell the decoder it is no longer in a consist, but if the command station thinks it is in a consist that would not fix the problem. I initially though of CV19 as well, but since he said he has tried several different decoders it sounds like a command station issue instead. To delete a locomotive from a consist in the command station, press “DEL” (in the consist buttons) and enter the address (‘3’).
Either way it’s definitely not a problem with the pro cab since you have a loco that works fine.
But just make sure that your aren’t accidentally hooked up to the program track for your main.
Thank you CSX Robert, you were 100% correct, some how i got it stuck in a consist, once i managed to clear it everything has gone back to normal, thank you to everyone else for their hints and tips too, as i had no idea where to start, and was about to pack everything up and send it back, This forum is a great asset to those like myself with little knowledge on DCC, i have learnt a great deal over the last week and thank all those that replied again for your help sorting out my problem, keep up the good work.