I’ve got a 2’x12’ switching layout, a U-shaped 3 track ‘staging yard’ and some other temporary track around the basement walls to represent another town. The switching layout and ‘staging yard’ are FreeMo modules, the other temporary track is on a (more or less) permanent shelf. I like switching the industries and have operated it using different methods…this keeps things interesting (doing research and then implementing the different methods).
Currently, I shuffle a deck of modified playing cards to determine the makeup of a train and then I deliver those cars…it’s prob not prototypical, but I like the randomness of it so each operating session is different.
Of course each time I operate I see, or think of, something that ‘needs’ to be done. Also, since I’m alone I can really ‘get into’ the layout…focusing on where the rest of my ho scale crew is (whether they’re riding a cut of cars or walking to the next turnout…etc) and imagining what is going on at the various industries to warrant the required switching (a lack of cars means production is down for some reason, etc).
Try turning the room lighting down to run in the dark and see how that affects things, run slow and use all the correct sounds (bell, whistle/horn, etc) or sit back and watch your models roll and think about if your track arrangement needs any tweaking (is your runaround or passing siding a half a car too short, or maybe there’s too much track and not enough scenery, etc).
Some days I’m just not really feeling it and running the railroad seems more like work, other days my ops sessions can’t be long enough. Don’t force it and go with the flow. In this hobby there is always something to do…it never gets stagnant for me. Belonging to a freemo group also keeps things fresh (I only take my U-shaped modules, not the switching layout because they don’t all fit in my small car at once…I need to get a full sized van or maybe a small