Yes. One reason why they keep wanting to run trains.
that’s is what it’s all about!
Currently working on vegetation scenery on my n scale layout. Just a little at a time. I like to run trains also from time to time. I have the basics laid down. I just need to fill in the finer details.
Reminds me of the knight bus pulling up in front of the Leaky Cauldron David.
Nice modeling. Did you paint the backdrop as well?
Nice! I like the angle between Stevie’s and the building just off camera at the left, whether intentional or not it starts to add some forced perspective making the scene look deeper! And the buildings themselves look nicely lived in!
Jeff, that latest addition looks great. Nice work.
Jeff, that’s a nice looking building!
Jeff the buildings look great. I like the offset between the two buildings.
Thanks, Jeff! Yeah, I am trying my hand at landscape painting. I have to give credit to Mike Danneman’s backdrop painting guide. His tips really helped me through the process.
Thanks guys. The offset between the buildings is a happy coincidence. The highway arcs at that point and the buildings are placed to follow the curve of the roadway.
Really nice additions Jeff.
Very nice work Casey!
Here is a project that I have not been working on but really need to. To make my layout more prototypical, I had to dump the 50’ boxcars from a whole bunch of different railroads and purchase 40’ boxcars for only those roads that serviced the freight houses around Dearborn Station. I made the purchases, but the boxcars are still sitting in their boxes.
Still in their boxes? Throw the boxes away and run the boxcars.
I do not keep any boxes. They clutter the place.
I keep all of my boxes, mainly because sooner or later I will sell almost everything that I have ever purchased for my layout. And, of course, I replace the sold items with new stuff that I will eventually dump.
I knew an answer like that would come back.
Here, nothing will be sold. They are seen on my layout. When I am gone I shall not worry about them.
LOL, and I knew that you would know. I am building a pyramid in the back yard so that I can take my layout with me to the afterworld.
I am currently working to divest myself of the 33 building kits and 27 boxcar kits (still in their boxes) I purchased during the different phases of my layout’s evolution.
Any $ I get for all these will, of course, be plowed back into new purchases, half of which I’ll likely never use either.
It’s been my experience that if you see buildings/scenery/rolling stock you think might be right for your layout, buy 'em then. Because IF you wait, whatever its was you waited on will be unavailable/out of stock, out of production, or three times as expensive as when you first spotted it.