I’m looking for stuff that has the two holes on either side of the shell to snap on the GP9m chassis I have. What I’ve got right now is Canadian Pacific, which I have no interest in modeling. The frame is too cheap to sell, but runs so very smooth. What else goes on these? Are these the old Bev Bel shells?
Somewhere, a few years ago, I read where the Trainline GP9 shells were an exact clone of the Model Power / Cox shells.
I know the old BB shells had the two holes on each side, but haven’t a clue if they would fit.
I have a few Trainline GP9 locos. Haven’t been out of the box yet. I should go check it out. I also read, I think it was in here, that the Walther shells were a scale 1’ wider than the BB GP9’s. So, maybe they wouldn’t fit anyway.
Maybe it might be easier to strip and repaint the excisting shell.
Yeah, the Cox and Athearn BB shell shave the holes in what looks like the exact same spots on both, at least from photos.
I guess I could strip and repaint the shell. I’d thought of that, but I’m not that far into it. I guess it’s worth more on ebay than I thought - I may just sell it.