Hi All,
Here is a rhetorical question for you.
What should you do with surplus box cars?
Well obviously, you should repaint them.
I have in my posession several surplus Bachmann and Tyco 50 foot Plug Door Box Car models that I would like to repaint. I have already repainted one for the Great Northern, and would like to paint a few more. Having long been a fan of the V & O, I figured having some V&O cars on my layout would be a proper tribute to a modeler and a layout that has been such an inspiration to me over the years.
However to do this, I need to know a few things.
First, What shade of Blue is used as “V & O Blue”
Second, from my research there seems to be three types of lettering in use on the v & O over the years. The first being the “Classic” Railroad Roman. and Rounded badge like harald. Then a simplified Sans Serif Block Lettering Scheme, and finally the blueand white “Appilacian Lines” Scheme. My GN themed layout is set in 1969. And I need to know which of these lettering styles would be appropriet.
Third. How do I go about procuring proper V&O heraldry, and secondly, if I have to order a custom run of decals, am I going to have to go it alone, or are there people who would be interested in pitching in purchasing a few sheets.
Finally, Where would be a good place to procure a a good photo of said cars so that I may figure out proper decal placement? As the V&O Afton Division Finaly video I have would be impractical as a modeling aid.
If anyone can help me out with this. It would be greatly apprciated.
One last note, when I finish reassembling the GN car, I will post pics.