What to Use for 1st O Gauge Garden Rail Roading Track: Lionel 0 Gauge vs MTH O31 vs Atlas Stainless

Good Afternoon,

We live in Minnesota - variety of weather conditions: Hot, Cold,Wet, Dry!

My son and I as a Boy Scout Merit Badge Project are expanding our present O-Gauge Lionel MTH Consist to a 'Covered" Outside Garden Railroad. We also have a variety of inherited Lionel and K-line Engines, Cars, Track 1960-2005

Ours will not be the traditional ground level garden railroad. We will using our old 10 x 5 table that has been marine varnished top/bottom/ adding boulders, bushes, … around it to make it more realistic.
It will be about 25 inches high off the ground. two long runs, 3-4 Various Switching and Turnouts …
It will be covered at night or when not in use with ground cloth.

1). We have alot of extra MTH Real Trax O-31, O-42, We would like to use this track to cut down on cost to build Can this be used outdoors with wd-40 or will it rust?
If it is prone to rust. How long before it may begin to rust heavily? Months, Year (s)?

2). We also have a lot of 1960’s (Rusted , yet cleaned (bright boy) Lionel O-27 track and switches. Could this be used or combined with MTH Real Trax?

3). Everyone we have talked to suggests stainless steel O gauge (Atlas …).
This railroad may be outside around 1-3 years. Would the MTH Real Trax or Lionel O-27 last that long?

4). We have older 0-27 Lionel (refurbished) Engines that we would like to run on this railway. Can our Rail King Engines or Premier Engines Run Outside during good driving conditions on O-27.

Any Suggestions regarding our O-gauge Outdoor Rail Road would be helpful.

Thank all for your time and consideration,

Try posting your question here: http://www.trains.com/community/forum/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=91
They have a lot of Garden Railway gurus over there. You will probably get more info on
that board. Good luck, Dave

I’d use the Realtrax over the Lionel tubular- one reason: RUST! The tinplated steel of lionel track WILL rust. The nickel silver alloy that realtrax uses will not rust, but it will oxidize–but the oxidation is easily removed-- The only objection to the Realtrax is that it is not UV resistant, so the plastic will eventually fail— but as to how long that will take, especially if it is covered as you plan to do, is anybody’s guess. Go for it!!!

Thanks Dave. This weekend We temporarily used MTH Real TraX which worked great. Alot of the scouts came over for running night trains - at least until Mosquitoes came in.
I sent my request to the site you suggested.

Grandmaster II