What year was my 224E made?

What year, or year’s, was my 224E made? I know it’s is prewar because it’s cab floor is not rounded off and there is an “E” on the locomotive’s number. I’m guessing that it was made probably 1938, or so. It is painted in gunmetal grey too.

Hello Bryan!

I would venture to guess that your 224E was made in the 1938-39 time period. In 1940 Lionel switched to black paint for most engines & any engine made in grey after 1940 most likely used a leftover cab that was previously painted in grey. Take Care.

P.S. I like your new avatar. Looks great!

Thanks Keith,

That would make my 224E the oldest engine I have and the best runner!! Thank you for the compliment on my avator. Take care.