What you can do with a 15" radius! Warning video may produce vertigo!

Someone asked a question regarding engines on 15" radius the other day. Take a look and be amused~



You just killed a lot of myths…I watch all 7 minutes and now feel dizzy.[swg]

This link should work.


This must be M.C Escher’s layout !

Brent, wake up!


30 seconds was cool, but 7 minutes?

Good gravy – look at all those Walthers boxes piled up to make this train. This is one expensive train! I liked how the family dog watched it from the sofa. And tonight I imagine I will have a very vivid dream where I am trying to cross a railroad crossing on foot and …

Dave Nelson


I missed that the first time. [&]



Like a psychedelic pinwheel from the late sixties.

Mark H

This was recieved from my LHS

On Mar 13, 2014, at 3:05 PM, Maritimes Hobbies marhobbies@ns.aliantzinc.ca wrote:

$10,877.90 +$1631.69 HST =$12,509.69
What road names do you want.
You only want them if I can get that many different road #’s, right.

From: Fergus Francey
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 3:48 PM
To: Maritimes Hobbies
Subject: Re: Rapido 53’6" Mill Gondolas are here

Mike take a quick look at the video and tell me how much 242 Gondolas would cost!!!



PS watching the video may make you deaf and dizzy!
PPSS just joking on the 242 gons, lisa would castrate me! I’ll take a THB and a PGE please!

And Batman! Snore all you want but the last bunch of youre movies were “SLEEPERS”!

Just like the way our Government works.

Very interesting to watch, but someone must have a lot of time on their hands. Must be retired like myself…

Not a very profitable railroad! All empties going and coming!


PS: I only watched for about 15 seconds, ff to the last few and logged off!

I guess that’s the ultimate roundy roundy layout![%-)][(-D]


Wow! OK, who would have that many like cars (appear to be covered hoppers)? It was smart to space out all the locos rather than put 3 or 4 on the head end. But getting all of them in sync was a major accomplishment too.

Looks more like empty hoppers.

What does this guy do for an encore and what does he do with all of those hoppers?


I may be wrong but,those locomotives look like AHM GP18s.

Obviously this video was faked. Anybody that follows this forum KNOWS that spirals like this of less than a 30” radius would result in stringlining. [:D]

I don’t think so… The locos are equally spread thruout, the cars are same size/weight, and the trackwork is probably bulletproof.

IMO, the key is having the locos speed rated identically - hard enough with 2 or 4, a major accomplishment with 9.