Whats do you think is better? Prototype or free-lanced? (mind you this is just for fun.)
Freelanced–no licensing fees!
So you can model what YOU want, when YOU want.
Freelance with protoypical looking equipment
wel, i used to model a prototype but i now model a freelanced illinois central set in the present day with plenty of run-throughs from BNSF. I like to follow a prototype as closely as possible, but i like freelanced bacuse I can do what I want and have WHATEVER I want on MY layout.
Doing prototype makes it more challenging when designing a layout. You need to research the real thing and then try to put that into the room availableDoing prototype makes it more challenging when designing a layout. You need to research the real thing and then try to put that into the room available.
After having done so many freelance layouts which turned out to be just a spaghetti bowl of track, I decided that trying a prototype layout should eliminate a lot of the too many tracks syndrome.
I figured if the prototype did not have it then I would not need it. Also if the prototype had track laid out then they must know how to operate it. This then became a game in itself trying to figure out how the real thing ran the track work as it was shown on the track charts.
It is funny how others on the forums state how this yard should have this track here and that track there as this is the way the real railroads do it but now I have the track charts showing what they really had and it is no where like the members on the forums say it should be.
Makes for an interesting puzzle in operations until you hit upon how they really did it. And when you are stuck asking someone that was really there helps a lot!
BOB H – Clarion, PA
Definatey freelance.After 27 years it’s too late to change (even if I wanted to.[:D])
I like freelance but also like to try to stay close to a prototype. That way you can have the elements that you want on your railroad while still staying true to a time and regeon.
Mines a prototypical freelance.[:D]
1 vote for prototypical freelancing. That way when someone just has to tell you whats wrong you’re covered by declaring it a freelance project.
My railroad is completely fictional Its the Maple Leaf and Pine Tree Central Railroad (ML&PTC RR) the track plan is made up. I run trains from New England Railroads, When older i plan to have my own freight cars and engines. I like both free-lance and prototype. Tim
Personally, I plan to go mostly prototypical following the Maryland and Pennsylvania. But I feel free to include extras.