hey there all, been doing some kit bash buildings ,turning full buildings into twice as big background types. but since I used the foundations for loading docks ect ,was wondering what is some economical ways of making new foundations plus wall sides & backs …Ive cut up the boxes the of buildings for backs and I know that styrene sheet would be a top choice but Im not close to a hobby shop.the buildings are really flimsy with out a solid foundation & solid wall sides & back, …any Ideas for a subsitute for sheet styrene that can be glued to the building for strength,Ive looked at real estate signs & this plastic cardboard stuff ,but well it glue??? any Ideas most helpful…Jerry
Bristol board or sheet carboard mat material (for picture frames), or 3/16" foam board (the white stuff used for school projects).
White glue or better yet Mod Podge will glue it in; I’ve also used Elmer’s Nano glue.
A lot of those real estate, For Sale and Beware of the Dog signs are sheet styrene. They’re fine for construction.
You can get very large sheets of styrene at plastics distributers (check your yellow pages) or online from places like www.usplastic.com. I’ve ordered from them, and I still have a pretty big sheet of the stuff left over.