what's right for me?

I am in the begining stages of starting the hobby. I would like to use dept.56 village houses as the scenery. I would like to know what scale/size is best suited for this and what brand (lionel, bachman,etc) is recomended for this.

thanks in advance,
trying to get started

first welcome to the forums.you might want to take a small building to the hobby store and see what fits.o ho n or other scale.my guess is ho.displays and building can be what you want them to be.i use ho scale in my trains and i have hotwheels and matchbox cars on the layout and their buildings which matt(my soon) loves to play with.i even made a lighthouse from an old spice decantern. just put in a flashing light. but most of all have fun!
stay safe

For Department 56, O or O27 gauge would definetly be the best. Manufacturers include Lionel, K-Line, MTH, Williams, Atlas O, etc. Lionel even made some trains in Department 56 markings and Department 56 also makes a Lionel train store.