got a bunch of sitting people from a importer of fine goods (hint;these minitures all have black hair) and was wondering what to use to " stick " these guys in there seats ? had to remove some legs and trim some fat buxxs but they look good thru the windows ,since there walthers cars I dont think I want them coming loose ,to hard to open up.any Ideas ?..Jerry
When I added passengers to my cars, I used Weldbond glue. Think thick white glue, but better for a wider variety of materials. It dries clear, too. A little in the seat, add the passengers and wait. Like white glue, leaving it to set 24 hours is best.
Glue? I just used regular testors glue for plastics.
What Motley said.
In the process of cutting/ fitting the figures you may not always get flat enough mating surface for styrene cement. Walther’s goo, heavy bodied contact cement or Pliobond will place those passengers for good.
2-part epoxy
Aileen’s tacky glue. It’s thick enough to hold them in place but won’t melt the two plastics together if you ever want to remove them.
I use Aileen’s tacky glue as well, also clear silicone sealer works well particularly if the “rear contour” of the figure does not fit the seat well
thanks guys; I like em all but need a trip to micheals ect for supply ,thanks again
LIONS use Silicone for EVERYTHING!
I used Crazy glue to glue down passengers in my cars. Haven’t had any come loose yet.
Whatever you use, be careful of the two surfaces you’re gluing together. If you paint them, the glue will bond to the paint, not the figure and seat. This is a much weaker joint, and will likely shake loose leaving you with loose people in the car. You can’t see the passengers’ derrieres inside the car, anyway.
I’ve never had seated passengers come loose. What are you guys doing with thecars?
I’ve used tiny dabs of Goo and Aileen’s tacky glue and would recommend the latter as it dries clear, holds well and the figures will be easier to remove in the future.
I like to use Wather’s Goo. It bonds the two things together without “melting” them the way regular styrene glue does, so if you want to move or remove a person later it doesn’t mar the seat or the person’s seat.