What's the most unusual/unique material/item you've used in building your layout?

Wouldn’t that also make them great for old metal garbage cans? Just paint em silver [;)]

I used fire for a disaster sceen on the layout but I had to replace the layout afterwards (just kidding)

Well first I need to make sure I have “prior art”, before MTH tries to patent it and sue me…

Many years ago I used flashcubes painted grey as a load on a flatcar. (for you younger guys a flashcube was a small ~ 1" cube holding 4 flash bulbs that rotated on top of the camera so the bottom had a plastic turning mechanism that when painted and turned upside down looked pretty good - at least to my then 15 year old eyes)


Some very thin flat wood coffee stir sticks make great lumber stacks glued together and bundled. They also work well for scratch-building clap-board sided houses. .177cal. airgun pellets(flat head and field point pellets) make neat looking rooftop vents for some buildings and factories. I also use that gray/white paperboard (you get in new packages of socks and shirts) to build HO scale buildings with.

I used some fancy round toothpicks for guard rails along side a road. The ones I used had two grooves at the top spaced about 1/16" apart. I used some grey thread that I coated with white glue so it wouldn’t get fuzzy as cables between the guard posts. I just wrapped the thread around the grooves, went to the next one did the same and kept going until I reached the end.

Ed Schultz

I used to cut up the shafts of ice hockey sticks (once the blade broke and they were no longer useful) for risers, etc. Alas, I don’t play anymore so I lost my source.